This is the complete list of members for MT32Emu::Synth, including all inherited members.
calcSysexChecksum(const Bit8u *data, const Bit32u len, const Bit8u initChecksum=0) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | static |
clipSampleEx(Bit32s sampleEx) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
clipSampleEx(float sampleEx) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
close() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
configureMIDIEventQueueSysexStorage(Bit32u storageBufferSize) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
convertSample(float sample) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
convertSample(Bit16s sample) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
flushMIDIQueue() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getDACInputMode() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getDisplayState(char *targetBuffer, bool narrowLCD=false) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getInternalRenderedSampleCount() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getLibraryVersionInt() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | static |
getLibraryVersionString() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | static |
getMIDIDelayMode() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getOutputGain() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartialCount() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartialStates(PartialState *partialStates) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartialStates(Bit8u *partialStates) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartStates(bool *partStates) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartStates() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPartVolumeOverride(Bit8u partNumber) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPatchName(Bit8u partNumber) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getPlayingNotes(Bit8u partNumber, Bit8u *keys, Bit8u *velocities) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getReverbOutputGain() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getSelectedRendererType() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getShortMessageLength(Bit32u msg) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | static |
getSoundGroupName(char *soundGroupName, Bit8u timbreGroup, Bit8u timbreNumber) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getSoundName(char *soundName, Bit8u timbreGroup, Bit8u timbreNumber) const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
getStereoOutputSampleRate(AnalogOutputMode analogOutputMode) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | static |
getStereoOutputSampleRate() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
hasActivePartials() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isActive() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isDefaultDisplayOldMT32Compatible() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isDefaultReverbMT32Compatible() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isDisplayOldMT32Compatible() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isMT32ReverbCompatibilityMode() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isNiceAmpRampEnabled() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isNicePanningEnabled() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isNicePartialMixingEnabled() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isOpen() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isReverbEnabled() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isReverbOverridden() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
isReversedStereoEnabled() const (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
muteSampleBuffer(S *buffer, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
muteSampleBuffer(float *buffer, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | inlinestatic |
open(const ROMImage &controlROMImage, const ROMImage &pcmROMImage, Bit32u usePartialCount=DEFAULT_MAX_PARTIALS, AnalogOutputMode analogOutputMode=AnalogOutputMode_COARSE) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
open(const ROMImage &controlROMImage, const ROMImage &pcmROMImage, AnalogOutputMode analogOutputMode) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playMsg(Bit32u msg, Bit32u timestamp) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playMsg(Bit32u msg) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playMsgNow(Bit32u msg) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playMsgOnPart(Bit8u part, Bit8u code, Bit8u note, Bit8u velocity) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playSysex(const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len, Bit32u timestamp) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playSysex(const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playSysexNow(const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playSysexWithoutFraming(const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
playSysexWithoutHeader(Bit8u device, Bit8u command, const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
preallocateReverbMemory(bool enabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
readMemory(Bit32u addr, Bit32u len, Bit8u *data) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
render(Bit16s *stream, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
render(float *stream, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
renderStreams(Bit16s *nonReverbLeft, Bit16s *nonReverbRight, Bit16s *reverbDryLeft, Bit16s *reverbDryRight, Bit16s *reverbWetLeft, Bit16s *reverbWetRight, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
renderStreams(const DACOutputStreams< Bit16s > &streams, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
renderStreams(float *nonReverbLeft, float *nonReverbRight, float *reverbDryLeft, float *reverbDryRight, float *reverbWetLeft, float *reverbWetRight, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
renderStreams(const DACOutputStreams< float > &streams, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
selectRendererType(RendererType) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setDACInputMode(DACInputMode mode) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setDisplayCompatibility(bool oldMT32CompatibilityEnabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setMainDisplayMode() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setMIDIDelayMode(MIDIDelayMode mode) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setMIDIEventQueueSize(Bit32u requestedSize) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setNiceAmpRampEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setNicePanningEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setNicePartialMixingEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setOutputGain(float gain) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setPartVolumeOverride(Bit8u partNumber, Bit8u volumeOverride) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReportHandler2(ReportHandler2 *reportHandler2) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReverbCompatibilityMode(bool mt32CompatibleMode) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReverbEnabled(bool reverbEnabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReverbOutputGain(float gain) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReverbOverridden(bool reverbOverridden) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
setReversedStereoEnabled(bool enabled) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
Synth(ReportHandler *useReportHandler=NULL) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | explicit |
writeSysex(Bit8u channel, const Bit8u *sysex, Bit32u len) (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth | |
~Synth() (defined in MT32Emu::Synth) | MT32Emu::Synth |