This is the complete list of members for hpl::cMesh, including all inherited members.
AddAnimation(cAnimation *apAnimation) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
AddNode(cNode3D *apNode) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
ClearAnimations(bool abDeleteAll) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
cMesh(const tString asName, cMaterialManager *apMaterialManager, cAnimationManager *apAnimationManager) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateBeam() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateBeamInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshBeam *apMeshBeam, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateBillboard() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateBillboardInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshBillboard *apMeshBillboard, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateCollider(eCollideShapeType aType) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateCollideShape(iPhysicsWorld *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateCollideShapeFromCollider(cMeshCollider *pCollider, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateFromFile(const tString asFile) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateJointInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshJoint *apMeshJoint, iPhysicsBody *apParentBody, iPhysicsBody *apChildBody, const cMatrixf &a_mtxOffset, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateJointsAndBodies(Common::Array< iPhysicsBody *> *apBodyVec, cMeshEntity *apEntity, Common::Array< iPhysicsJoint *> *apJointVec, const cMatrixf &a_mtxOffset, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateLight(eLight3DType aType) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateLightInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshLight *apMeshLight, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateNodeBodies(iPhysicsBody **apRootBodyPtr, Common::Array< iPhysicsBody *> *apSubBodyVec, cMeshEntity *apEntity, iPhysicsWorld *apWorld, const cMatrixf &a_mtxTransform) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateParticleSystem() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateParticleSystemInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshParticleSystem *apMeshPS, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreatePhysicsJoint(ePhysicsJointType) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateReference() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateReferenceInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshReference *apMeshRef, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld, const cMatrixf &a_mtxOffset) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateSoundEntity() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateSoundEntityInWorld(const tString &sNamePrefix, cMeshSoundEntity *apMeshSound, cMeshEntity *apMeshEntity, cWorld3D *apWorld) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
CreateSubMesh(const tString &asName) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
DecUserCount() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
destroy() | hpl::cMesh | inlinevirtual |
GetAnimation(int alIndex) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetAnimationFromName(const tString &asName) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetAnimationIndex(const tString &asName) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetAnimationNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetBeam(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetBeamNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetBillboard(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetBillboardNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetCollider(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetColliderNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetFilePath() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetHandle() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetLight(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetLightNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetLogCreateAndDelete() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inlinestatic |
GetName() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetNode(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetNodeNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetParticleSystem(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetParticleSystemNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetPhysicsJoint(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetPhysicsJointNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetPrio() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetReference(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetReferenceNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetRootNode() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSize() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetSkeleton() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSoundEntity(int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSoundEntityNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSubMesh(unsigned int alIdx) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSubMeshName(const tString &asName) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetSubMeshNum() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
GetTime() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
GetUserCount() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
HasSeveralBodies() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
HasUsers() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
IncUserCount() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | |
iResourceBase(tString asName, unsigned long alPrio) (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | |
mbLogCreateAndDelete (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protectedstatic |
mbLogDestruction (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
mlHandle (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
mlPrio (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
mlSize (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
mlTime (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
mlUserCount (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
msFilePath (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
msName (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | protected |
reload() | hpl::cMesh | inlinevirtual |
SetHandle(unsigned long alHandle) (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
SetLogCreateAndDelete(bool abX) (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inlinestatic |
SetLogDestruction(bool abX) (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | inline |
SetSkeleton(cSkeleton *apSkeleton) (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
SetupBones() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
unload() | hpl::cMesh | inlinevirtual |
~cMesh() (defined in hpl::cMesh) | hpl::cMesh | |
~iResourceBase() (defined in hpl::iResourceBase) | hpl::iResourceBase | virtual |