This is the complete list of members for Xeen::Sound, including all inherited members.
_currentMusic (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
_fxOn (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
_musicOn (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
_musicSide (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
_subtitles (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
isMusicPlaying() const | Xeen::Sound | |
isSoundPlaying() const | Xeen::Sound | |
playFX(uint effectId) | Xeen::Sound | |
playSong(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) | Xeen::Sound | |
playSong(const Common::String &name, int param=0) | Xeen::Sound | |
playSound(Common::SeekableReadStream &s, int unused=0) | Xeen::Sound | |
playSound(const Common::String &name, int unused=0) | Xeen::Sound | |
playSound(const Common::String &name, int ccNum, int unused) | Xeen::Sound | |
playVoice(const Common::String &name, int ccMode=-1) | Xeen::Sound | |
setFxOn(bool isOn) | Xeen::Sound | |
setMusicOn(bool isOn) | Xeen::Sound | |
setMusicPercent(byte percent) | Xeen::Sound | |
songCommand(uint commandId, byte musicVolume=0, byte sfxVolume=0) | Xeen::Sound | |
Sound(Audio::Mixer *mixer) (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | |
stopAllAudio() | Xeen::Sound | |
stopFX() | Xeen::Sound | |
stopSong() | Xeen::Sound | inline |
stopSound() | Xeen::Sound | |
updateSoundSettings() | Xeen::Sound | |
~Sound() (defined in Xeen::Sound) | Xeen::Sound | virtual |