ScummVM API documentation
Graphics::Surface Member List

This is the complete list of members for Graphics::Surface, including all inherited members.

applyColorKey(uint8 rKey, uint8 gKey, uint8 bKey, bool overwriteAlpha=false)Graphics::Surface
applyColorKey(uint8 rKey, uint8 gKey, uint8 bKey, bool overwriteAlpha, uint8 rNew, uint8 gNew, uint8 bNew)Graphics::Surface
clip(Common::Rect &srcBounds, Common::Rect &destBounds) constGraphics::Surface
convertFrom(const Surface &surf, const PixelFormat &format)Graphics::Surface
convertTo(const PixelFormat &dstFormat, const byte *srcPalette=0, int srcPaletteCount=256, const byte *dstPalette=0, int dstPaletteCount=0, DitherMethod method=kDitherFloyd) constGraphics::Surface
convertToInPlace(const PixelFormat &dstFormat)Graphics::Surfaceinline
convertToInPlace(const PixelFormat &dstFormat, const byte *palette, uint16 paletteCount)Graphics::Surface
copyFrom(const Surface &surf)Graphics::Surface
copyRectToSurface(const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height)Graphics::Surface
copyRectToSurface(const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect)Graphics::Surface
copyRectToSurfaceWithKey(const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, uint32 key)Graphics::Surface
copyRectToSurfaceWithKey(const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect, uint32 key)Graphics::Surface
create(int16 width, int16 height, const PixelFormat &format)Graphics::Surface
debugPrint(int debuglevel=0, int width=0, int height=0, int x=0, int y=0, int scale=-1, int maxwidth=160, const byte *palette=NULL) constGraphics::Surface
detectAlpha() constGraphics::Surface
ditherFloyd(const byte *srcPalette, int srcPaletteCount, Surface *dstSurf, const byte *dstPalette, int dstPaletteCount, DitherMethod method, const PixelFormat &dstFormat) const (defined in Graphics::Surface)Graphics::Surfaceprotected
drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface
drawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface
fillRect(Common::Rect r, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface
flipHorizontal(const Common::Rect &r)Graphics::Surface
flipVertical(const Common::Rect &r)Graphics::Surface
frameRect(const Common::Rect &r, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface
getBasePtr(int x, int y) constGraphics::Surfaceinline
getBasePtr(int x, int y)Graphics::Surfaceinline
getPixel(int x, int y) constGraphics::Surfaceinline
getPixels() constGraphics::Surfaceinline
getSubArea(const Common::Rect &area)Graphics::Surface
getSubArea(const Common::Rect &area) constGraphics::Surface
hLine(int x, int y, int x2, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface
init(int16 width, int16 height, int16 pitch, void *pixels, const PixelFormat &format)Graphics::Surface
move(int dx, int dy, int height)Graphics::Surface
rotoscale(const TransformStruct &transform, bool filtering=false) constGraphics::Surface
scale(int16 newWidth, int16 newHeight, bool filtering=false) constGraphics::Surface
setAlpha(uint8 alpha, bool skipTransparent=false)Graphics::Surface
setPixel(int x, int y, int pixel)Graphics::Surfaceinline
setPixels(void *newPixels)Graphics::Surfaceinline
vLine(int x, int y, int y2, uint32 color)Graphics::Surface