This is the complete list of members for Sci::GfxFrameout, including all inherited members.
_palMorphIsOn | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
_throttleKernelFrameOut | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
addPlane(Plane *plane) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
addScreenItem(ScreenItem &screenItem) const | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
alterVmap(const Palette &palette1, const Palette &palette2, const int8 style, const int8 *const styleRanges) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
clear() (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
deletePlane(Plane &plane) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
deletePlanesForMacRestore() | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
deleteScreenItem(ScreenItem &screenItem) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
deleteScreenItem(ScreenItem &screenItem, Plane &plane) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
deleteScreenItem(ScreenItem &screenItem, const reg_t plane) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
directFrameOut(const Common::Rect &showRect) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
frameOut(const bool shouldShowBits, const Common::Rect &eraseRect=Common::Rect()) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
getCurrentBuffer() const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getPlanes() const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getScreenCount() const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getScreenHeight() const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getScreenWidth() const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getScriptHeight() const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getScriptWidth() const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
getTopVisiblePlane() (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
getVisiblePlanes() const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
GfxFrameout(SegManager *segMan, GfxPalette32 *palette, GfxTransitions32 *transitions, GfxCursor32 *cursor) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
isHiRes() const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
kernelAddPicAt(const reg_t planeObject, const GuiResourceId pictureId, const int16 pictureX, const int16 pictureY, const bool mirrorX, const bool deleteDuplicate) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelAddPlane(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelAddScreenItem(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelDeletePlane(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelDeleteScreenItem(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelFrameOut(const bool showBits) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelGetHighPlanePri() (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelIsOnMe(const reg_t object, const Common::Point &position, const bool checkPixel) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelMovePlaneItems(const reg_t object, const int16 deltaX, const int16 deltaY, const bool scrollPics) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelObjectIntersect(const reg_t object1, const reg_t object2) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelSetNowSeen(const reg_t screenItemObject) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelUpdatePlane(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
kernelUpdateScreenItem(const reg_t object) (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
palMorphFrameOut(const int8 *styleRanges, PlaneShowStyle *showStyle) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printPlaneItemList(Console *con, const reg_t planeObject) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printPlaneItemListInternal(Console *con, const ScreenItemList &screenItemList) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printPlaneList(Console *con) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printPlaneListInternal(Console *con, const PlaneList &planeList) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printVisiblePlaneItemList(Console *con, const reg_t planeObject) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
printVisiblePlaneList(Console *con) const (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
redrawGameScreen(const Common::Rect &skipRect) const | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
run() (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
setPixelFormat(const Graphics::PixelFormat &format) const | Sci::GfxFrameout | inline |
shakeScreen(const int16 numShakes, const ShakeDirection direction) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
throttle() | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
updateScreen(const int delta=0) | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
updateScreenItem(ScreenItem &screenItem) const | Sci::GfxFrameout | |
~GfxFrameout() (defined in Sci::GfxFrameout) | Sci::GfxFrameout |