ScummVM API documentation
Chewy::GameState Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for Chewy::GameState:

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
bool synchronize (Common::Serializer &s)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Chewy::GameFlags
void clear ()

Public Attributes

GameFlags_flags = nullptr
int16 MainMenuY = 0
int16 InvDisp = 0
int16 DispZx = 0
int16 DispZy = 0
int16 DispFlag = 0
int16 InventY = 0
int16 InventSlot [MAX_MOV_OBJ] = { 0 }
RoomMovObject room_m_obj [MAX_MOV_OBJ]
RoomStaticInventory room_s_obj [MAX_FEST_OBJ]
RoomExit room_e_obj [MAX_EXIT]
int16 X [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 Y [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 Phase [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 _personHide [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 _personRoomNr [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 ZoomXy [MAX_PERSON][2] = {{ 0 }}
int16 PersonGlobalDia [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 PersonDia [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 PersonDiaRoom [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 PersonDiaTmpRoom [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
int16 ChewyAni = 0
int16 DiaAMov = 0
int16 scrollx = 0
int16 scrolly = 0
int16 ScrollxStep = 0
int16 ScrollyStep = 0
int16 DelaySpeed = 0
int16 AadDelay = 0
int16 AadSilent = 0
uint8 R0FueterLab = 0
uint8 R6RaumBetreten = 0
uint8 R6BolaJoke = 0
uint8 R7BellCount = 0
uint8 R11IdCardNr = 0
uint8 R12BorkCount = 0
uint8 R13MonitorStatus = 0
uint8 R17Location = 0
int16 R23GliderExit = 0
uint8 R24Lever [3] = { 0 }
uint8 R24HebelDir [3] = { 0 }
uint8 R24KristallLast [3] = { 0 }
uint8 R25SurimyGo = 0
uint8 R27HowardGed = 0
uint8 R28PumpTxt1 = 0
uint8 R28PumpTxt = 0
uint8 R31SurimyGo = 0
uint8 R33SurimyGo = 0
uint8 R33Munter [4] = { 0 }
int16 R39TvKanal = 0
uint8 R39TvRecord = 0
uint8 R39ClintNews = 0
uint8 R40PoliceAniStatus = 0
uint8 R41TrainCount = 0
uint8 R47Schloss [3] = { 0 }
uint8 R48TaxiPerson [MAX_PERSON] = { 0 }
uint8 R48Auswahl [5] = { 0 }
uint8 R49BoyAniCount = 0
uint8 R51DoorCount = 0
uint8 R54LiftCount = 0
uint8 R54HowardVorne = 0
short R55ExitDia = 0
int16 R58TmpRoom = 0
int16 R58TmpRoom1 = 0
int16 R58TmpSx = 0
int16 R58TmpSy = 0
int16 R58TmpX = 0
int16 R58TmpY = 0
int16 R64Moni1Ani = 0
int16 R64Moni2Ani = 0
int16 R71Val1 = 0
int16 R71Val2 = 0
int16 r76State = 0
int16 R79Val [3] = {0, 0, 0}
int r90_Array187030 [8][4]
int r94Scrollx = 0
uint8 mi [8] = {0}
int16 SVal1 = 0
int16 SVal2 = 0
int16 SVal3 = 0
int16 SVal4 = 0
uint8 FramesPerSecond = 0
- Public Attributes inherited from Chewy::GameFlags
bool R0SlimeUsed: 1
bool R0PillowThrow: 1
bool R0Monocle: 1
bool R0Noteboook: 1
bool R2ElectrocutedBork: 1
bool R2FussSchleim: 1
bool R5Terminal: 1
bool R5Door: 1
bool R6BolaSchild: 1
bool R6BolaOk: 1
bool R6BolaBecher: 1
bool R6DoorLeftF: 1
bool R6DoorLeftB: 1
bool R6DoorRightB: 1
bool R7DoorRight: 1
bool R7Hebel: 1
bool R7SeilLeft: 1
bool R7SeilOk: 1
bool R7RHaken: 1
bool R7BorkFlug: 1
bool R7ChewyFlug: 1
bool R8Folter: 1
bool R8Stein: 1
bool R8GTuer: 1
bool R8Kohle: 1
bool R8Abkuehlen: 1
bool R8GipsWurf: 1
bool R9Gitter: 1
bool R9Surimy: 1
bool R10Surimy: 1
bool R10SurimyOk: 1
bool R11CardOk: 1
bool R11TerminalOk: 1
bool R11DoorRightB: 1
bool R11DoorRightF: 1
bool R12Betreten: 1
bool R12ChewyBork: 1
bool R12Talisman: 1
bool R12TalismanOk: 1
bool R12RaumOk: 1
bool R12BorkTalk: 1
bool R12BorkInRohr: 1
bool R12TransOn: 1
bool R12ChainLeft: 1
bool R13BorkOk: 1
bool R13Band: 1
bool R13Bandlauf: 1
bool R13Surf: 1
bool R14Feuer: 1
bool R14Translator: 1
bool R14FluxoFlex: 1
bool R14GleiterAuf: 1
bool R14Sicherung: 1
bool R14Waffe: 1
bool R16F5Exit: 1
bool R17GitterWeg: 1
bool R17Seil: 1
bool R17HebelOk: 1
bool R17EnergyOut: 1
bool R17DoorKommand: 1
bool R18DoorBruecke: 1
bool R18CartridgeInSlot: 1
bool R18CartTerminal: 1
bool R18CartSave: 1
bool R18SurimyThrown: 1
bool R18SondeMoni: 1
bool R18MonitorSwitch: 1
bool R18Crown: 1
bool R18FirstEntry: 1
bool R18Grid: 1
bool R21Salto: 1
bool R21GitterEnergie: 1
bool R21GitterMuell: 1
bool R21Hebel1: 1
bool R21Hebel2: 1
bool R21Hebel3: 1
bool R21Laser1Weg: 1
bool R21Laser2Weg: 1
bool R21Gang: 1
bool R22Paint: 1
bool R22ChewyPlatt: 1
bool R22BorkPlatt: 1
bool R22GetBork: 1
bool R23FluxoFlex: 1
bool R23Cartridge: 1
bool R24FirstEntry: 1
bool R25FirstEntry: 1
bool R25GliderFlamesExtinguished: 1
bool R25SurimyLauf: 1
bool R25GliderExit: 1
bool R27SurimyOk: 1
bool R28SurimyCar: 1
bool R28ChewyPump: 1
bool R28LetterBox: 1
bool R28EntryHaus: 1
bool R28Manuskript: 1
bool R28RKuerbis: 1
bool R28ExitTown: 1
bool R28PostCar: 1
bool R29Pumpe: 1
bool R29Schlauch1: 1
bool R29WaterHose: 1
bool R29AutoSitz: 1
bool R31PflanzeWeg: 1
bool R31KoernerDa: 1
bool R31Wasser: 1
bool R31KlappeZu: 1
bool R31SurFurz: 1
bool R32HowardWeg: 1
bool R32UseSchreib: 1
bool R32PapierOk: 1
bool R32Script: 1
bool R33SchubFirst: 1
bool R33Messer: 1
bool R33MunterOk: 1
bool R33MunterGet: 1
bool R35TransCat: 1
bool R35Falle: 1
bool R35Schublade: 1
bool R35CatEat: 1
bool R37UsedTranslatorOnRooster: 1
bool R37TakenDenturesFromGlass: 1
bool R37DogAshamed: 1
bool R37RoosterFoughtWithDog: 1
bool R37Mes: 1
bool R39TranslatorUsed: 1
bool R39TvOn: 1
bool R39ScriptOk: 1
bool R39HowardDa: 1
bool R39HowardWach: 1
bool R40TeilKarte: 1
bool R40TrainMove: 1
bool R40TrainOk: 1
bool R40Geld: 1
bool R40PoliceStart: 1
bool R40PoliceAway: 1
bool R40PoliceAb: 1
bool R40Wettbewerb: 1
bool R40HoUse: 1
bool R40HaendlerOk: 1
bool R40DuengerMit: 1
bool R40DuengerTele: 1
bool R41FirstTalk: 1
bool R41LolaOk: 1
bool R41Einbruch: 1
bool R41BruchInfo: 1
bool R41KuerbisInfo: 1
bool R41RepairInfo: 1
bool R41HowardDiaOK: 1
bool R42FirstEntry: 1
bool R42LetterOk: 1
bool R42HoToBeamter: 1
bool R42StampOk: 1
bool R42LetterStamped: 1
bool R42StationEmployeeAway: 1
bool R43GetPgLady: 1
bool R45TaxiOk: 1
bool R45MagOk: 1
bool R46GetLeder: 1
bool R47SchlossOk: 1
bool R48TaxiEntry: 1
bool R49WegFrei: 1
bool R49BoyWeg: 1
bool R49BoyAni: 1
bool R50Zigarre: 1
bool R50KeyOK: 1
bool R51FirstEntry: 1
bool R51HotelRoom: 1
bool R51KillerWeg: 1
bool R52HotDogOk: 1
bool R52TuerAuf: 1
bool R52LichtAn: 1
bool R52KakerJoke: 1
bool R52KakerWeg: 1
bool R53Kostuem: 1
bool R53Visit: 1
bool R54HotDogOk: 1
bool R54FputzerWeg: 1
bool R54LiftOk: 1
bool R54Schild: 1
bool R55SekWeg: 1
bool R55Location: 1
bool R55Entry: 1
bool R55Job: 1
bool R55ScriptWeg: 1
bool R55EscScriptOk: 1
bool R55RaumOk: 1
bool R55R54First: 1
bool R56GetTabak: 1
bool R56AbfahrtOk: 1
bool R56Kneipe: 1
bool R56WhiskyMix: 1
bool R57StudioAuf: 1
bool R59PosterWeg: 1
bool R62Flucht: 1
bool R62FirstEntry: 1
bool R62TShow: 1
bool R62LauraTransformation: 1
bool R63Fire: 1
bool R63FxManAway: 1
bool R63Uhr: 1
bool R64ManAway: 1
bool flags26_4: 1
bool flags26_8: 1
bool changedArtifactOrigin: 1
bool flags26_20: 1
bool flags26_40: 1
bool R67SongOk: 1
bool R67KommodeAuf: 1
bool R67KostuemWeg: 1
bool R67PapageiWeg: 1
bool R68KarteDa: 1
bool R68Parrot: 1
bool R68DivaAway: 1
bool R68Song: 1
bool R68IndigoDia: 1
bool R68DrinkCoupon: 1
bool R71LeopardVined: 1
bool flags28_4: 1
bool flags28_8: 1
bool flags28_10: 1
bool flags28_20: 1
bool flags28_40: 1
bool R74CutRubberPlant: 1
bool flags29_1: 1
bool flags29_2: 1
bool flags29_4: 1
bool flags29_8: 1
bool flags29_10: 1
bool flags29_20: 1
bool flags29_40: 1
bool flags29_80: 1
bool flags30_1: 1
bool flags30_2: 1
bool flags30_4: 1
bool flags30_8: 1
bool flags30_10: 1
bool flags30_20: 1
bool flags30_40: 1
bool flags30_80: 1
bool R88UsedMonkey: 1
bool gottenDiary: 1
bool R84GoonsPresent: 1
bool flags31_8: 1
bool flags31_10: 1
byte flags31_20: 1
byte flags31_40: 1
byte flags31_80: 1
bool flags32_1: 1
bool flags32_2: 1
bool flags32_4: 1
bool flags32_8: 1
bool flags32_10: 1
bool flags32_20: 1
bool flags32_40: 1
bool flags32_80: 1
bool flags33_1: 1
bool flags33_2: 1
bool flags33_4: 1
bool flags33_8: 1
bool flags33_10: 1
bool flags33_20: 1
bool flags33_40: 1
bool flags33_80: 1
bool flags34_1: 1
bool flags34_2: 1
bool flags34_4: 1
bool flags34_8: 1
bool flags34_10: 1
bool flags34_20: 1
bool flags34_40: 1
bool flags34_80: 1
bool flags35_1: 1
bool flags35_2: 1
bool flags35_4: 1
bool flags35_8: 1
bool flags35_10: 1
bool flags35_20: 1
bool flags35_40: 1
bool flags35_80: 1
bool flags36_1: 1
bool flags36_2: 1
bool flags36_4: 1
bool flags36_8: 1
bool flags36_10: 1
bool flags36_20: 1
bool flags36_40: 1
bool flags36_80: 1
bool flags37_1: 1
bool flags37_2: 1
bool flags37_4: 1
bool flags37_8: 1
bool flags37_10: 1
bool flags37_20: 1
bool flags37_40: 1
bool flags37_80: 1
bool R64AshtrayTaken: 1
bool flags38_2: 1
uint8 flags38_unused: 6

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void Chewy::GameState::clear ( )

Clears the game state

◆ synchronize()

bool Chewy::GameState::synchronize ( Common::Serializer s)

For loading or saving the structure data

Member Data Documentation

◆ r90_Array187030

int Chewy::GameState::r90_Array187030[8][4]
Initial value:
= {
{0, 1, 180, 190},
{0, 1, 60, 60},
{0, 1, 140, 150},
{0, 1, 140, 230},
{0, 1, 40, 340},
{0, 1, 49, 50},
{0, 1, 88, 90},
{0, 1, 170, 190}

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