ScummVM API documentation
Dragons::Screen Class Reference

Public Member Functions

Graphics::PixelFormat getPixelFormat ()
void copyRectToSurface (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY)
void copyRectToSurface (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, Common::Rect srcRect, bool flipX=false, AlphaBlendMode alpha=NONE)
void copyRectToSurface8bpp (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, const byte *palette, int destX, int destY, Common::Rect srcRect, bool flipX=false, AlphaBlendMode alpha=NONE, uint16 scale=256)
void copyRectToSurface8bppWrappedX (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, const byte *palette, Common::Rect srcRect, AlphaBlendMode alpha=NONE)
void updateScreen ()
void loadPalette (uint16 paletteNum, const byte *palette)
byte * getPalette (uint16 paletteNum)
void setPaletteRecord (uint16 paletteNum, uint16 offset, uint16 newValue)
void updatePaletteTransparency (uint16 paletteNum, uint16 startOffset, uint16 endOffset, bool isTransparent)
void clearScreen ()
void drawRect (uint16 colour, Common::Rect rect, int id)
void fillRect (uint16 colour, Common::Rect rect)
Common::Rect clipRectToScreen (int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect rect)
Common::Rect clipRectToRect (int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect rect, const Common::Rect containerRect)
void setScreenShakeOffset (int16 x, int16 y)
void copyRectToSurface8bppWrappedY (const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, const byte *palette, int yOffset)
int16 addFlatQuad (int16 x0, int16 y0, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x3, int16 y3, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint16 colour, int16 priorityLayer, uint16 flags)
void drawFlatQuads (uint16 priorityLayer)
FlatQuadgetFlatQuad (uint16 quadId)
void clearAllFlatQuads ()

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