ScummVM API documentation
dgCollisionCompoundBreakable::dgIsland Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for dgCollisionCompoundBreakable::dgIsland:
dgList< dgDebriGraph::dgListNode *>

Public Member Functions

 dgIsland (dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
- Public Member Functions inherited from dgList< dgDebriGraph::dgListNode *>
void operator delete (void *const ptr, dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
void operator delete (void *const ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *const ptr, dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
void operator delete[] (void *const ptr)
void * operator new (size_t size, dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
void * operator new (size_t size)
void * operator new[] (size_t size, dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
void * operator new[] (size_t size)
 dgList (dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
dgMemoryAllocatorGetAllocator () const
void SetAllocator (dgMemoryAllocator *const allocator)
 operator dgInt32 () const
dgInt32 GetCount () const
dgListNode * GetLast () const
dgListNode * GetFirst () const
dgListNode * Append ()
dgListNode * Append (dgListNode *const node)
dgListNode * Append (const dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * &element)
dgListNode * Addtop ()
dgListNode * Addtop (dgListNode *const node)
dgListNode * Addtop (const dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * &element)
void RotateToEnd (dgListNode *const node)
void RotateToBegin (dgListNode *const node)
void InsertAfter (dgListNode *const root, dgListNode *const node)
void InsertBefore (dgListNode *const root, dgListNode *const node)
dgListNode * Find (const dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * &element) const
dgListNode * GetNodeFromInfo (dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * &m_info) const
void Remove (dgListNode *const node)
void Remove (const dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * &element)
void RemoveAll ()
void Merge (dgList< dgDebriGraph::dgListNode * > &list)
void Unlink (dgListNode *const node)
bool SanityCheck () const

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