ScummVM API documentation
AGS3::AGS::Engine::ALSW::ScummVMRendererGraphicsDriver Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for AGS3::AGS::Engine::ALSW::ScummVMRendererGraphicsDriver:
AGS3::AGS::Engine::GraphicsDriverBase AGS3::AGS::Engine::IGraphicsDriver

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr< ScummVMRendererGfxFilterPSDLRenderFilter

Public Member Functions

const char * GetDriverID () override
const char * GetDriverName () override
void SetTintMethod (TintMethod) override
bool SetDisplayMode (const DisplayMode &mode) override
void UpdateDeviceScreen (const Size &screen_sz) override
bool SetNativeResolution (const GraphicResolution &native_res) override
bool SetRenderFrame (const Rect &dst_rect) override
bool IsModeSupported (const DisplayMode &mode) override
int GetDisplayDepthForNativeDepth (int native_color_depth) const override
IGfxModeListGetSupportedModeList (int color_depth) override
PGfxFilter GetGraphicsFilter () const override
void UnInit ()
void ClearRectangle (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, RGB *colorToUse) override
int GetCompatibleBitmapFormat (int color_depth) override
IDriverDependantBitmapCreateDDB (int width, int height, int color_depth, bool opaque) override
IDriverDependantBitmapCreateDDBFromBitmap (Bitmap *bitmap, bool hasAlpha, bool opaque) override
IDriverDependantBitmapCreateRenderTargetDDB (int width, int height, int color_depth, bool opaque) override
void UpdateDDBFromBitmap (IDriverDependantBitmap *ddb, Bitmap *bitmap, bool hasAlpha) override
void DestroyDDB (IDriverDependantBitmap *ddb) override
IDriverDependantBitmapGetSharedDDB (uint32_t, Bitmap *bitmap, bool hasAlpha, bool opaque) override
void UpdateSharedDDB (uint32_t, Bitmap *, bool, bool) override
void ClearSharedDDB (uint32_t) override
void DrawSprite (int x, int y, IDriverDependantBitmap *ddb) override
void SetScreenFade (int red, int green, int blue) override
void SetScreenTint (int red, int green, int blue) override
void SetStageScreen (const Size &sz, int x=0, int y=0) override
void RenderToBackBuffer () override
void Render () override
void Render (int xoff, int yoff, Shared::GraphicFlip flip) override
bool GetCopyOfScreenIntoBitmap (Bitmap *destination, bool at_native_res, GraphicResolution *want_fmt) override
void FadeOut (int speed, int targetColourRed, int targetColourGreen, int targetColourBlue) override
void FadeIn (int speed, PALETTE pal, int targetColourRed, int targetColourGreen, int targetColourBlue) override
void BoxOutEffect (bool blackingOut, int speed, int delay) override
bool SupportsGammaControl () override
void SetGamma (int newGamma) override
void UseSmoothScaling (bool) override
bool DoesSupportVsyncToggle () override
void RenderSpritesAtScreenResolution (bool, int) override
bool RequiresFullRedrawEachFrame () override
bool HasAcceleratedTransform () override
bool UsesMemoryBackBuffer () override
BitmapGetMemoryBackBuffer () override
void SetMemoryBackBuffer (Bitmap *backBuffer) override
BitmapGetStageBackBuffer (bool mark_dirty) override
void SetStageBackBuffer (Bitmap *backBuffer) override
bool GetStageMatrixes (RenderMatrixes &) override
void SetGraphicsFilter (PSDLRenderFilter filter)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AGS3::AGS::Engine::GraphicsDriverBase
bool IsModeSet () const override
bool IsNativeSizeValid () const override
bool IsRenderFrameValid () const override
DisplayMode GetDisplayMode () const override
Size GetNativeSize () const override
Rect GetRenderDestination () const override
bool SetVsync (bool enabled) override
bool GetVsync () const override
void BeginSpriteBatch (const Rect &viewport, const SpriteTransform &transform, Shared::GraphicFlip flip=Shared::kFlip_None, PBitmap surface=nullptr) override
void EndSpriteBatch () override
void ClearDrawLists () override
void SetCallbackForPolling (GFXDRV_CLIENTCALLBACK callback) override
void SetCallbackToDrawScreen (GFXDRV_CLIENTCALLBACK callback, GFXDRV_CLIENTCALLBACK post_callback) override
void SetCallbackOnInit (GFXDRV_CLIENTCALLBACKINITGFX callback) override
void SetCallbackOnSpriteEvt (GFXDRV_CLIENTCALLBACKEVT callback) override

Protected Member Functions

bool SetVsyncImpl (bool vsync, bool &vsync_res) override
size_t GetLastDrawEntryIndex () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AGS3::AGS::Engine::GraphicsDriverBase
virtual void OnInit ()
virtual void OnUnInit ()
virtual void OnModeSet (const DisplayMode &mode)
virtual void OnSetNativeRes (const GraphicResolution &native_res)
virtual void OnModeReleased ()
virtual void OnSetRenderFrame (const Rect &dst_rect)
virtual void OnSetFilter ()
void OnScalingChanged ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from AGS3::AGS::Engine::GraphicsDriverBase
DisplayMode _mode
Rect _srcRect
int _srcColorDepth
Rect _dstRect
Rect _filterRect
PlaneScaling _scaling
bool _capsVsync = false
SpriteBatchDescs _spriteBatchDesc
std::vector< std::pair< size_t, size_t > > _spriteBatchRange
size_t _actSpriteBatch
uint32_t _rendSpriteBatch
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from AGS3::AGS::Engine::GraphicsDriverBase
static const intptr_t DRAWENTRY_STAGECALLBACK = 0x0
static const intptr_t DRAWENTRY_FADE = 0x1
static const intptr_t DRAWENTRY_TINT = 0x2

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