ScummVM API documentation
Watchmaker::Renderer Class Reference


struct  BitmapList

Public Member Functions

 Renderer (WGame *game, sdl_wrapper *wrapper)
bool addMaterial (gMaterial &material, const Common::String &name, int NumFaces, unsigned int LoaderFlags)
void initGL ()
void showFrame ()
void setVirtualScreen (unsigned int dimX, unsigned int dimY)
void getScreenInfos (unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height) const
WindowInfo getScreenInfos () const
bool createScreenBuffer ()
void initBlitterViewPort ()
void setCurCameraViewport (t3dF32 fov, uint8 sup)
void renderBitmap (SDDBitmap &bitmap)
void printText (const char *s, unsigned int dst, FontKind font, FontColor color, uint16 x, uint16 y)
int rFitX (int x)
int rFitY (int y)
int rInvFitX (int x)
int rInvFitY (int y)
void clearBitmap (int dst, int dposx, int dposy, int sdimx, int sdimy, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
void blitScreenBuffer ()
unsigned int getBitmapDimX (int32 id) const
unsigned int getBitmapDimY (int32 id) const
unsigned int getBitmapRealDimX (int32 id) const
unsigned int getBitmapRealDimY (int32 id) const
bool setProjectionMatrix (float width, float height, float fAspect, float fNearPlane, float fFarPlane)
Math::Vector3d screenSpaceToCameraSpace (float x, float y)
void add2DStuff ()

Public Attributes

TwoDeeStuff _2dStuff
Fonts_fonts = nullptr
Common::Rect _viewport
BitmapList _bitmapList

Static Public Attributes

static const int MAX_BITMAP_LIST = 1024

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