ScummVM API documentation
AGS3::AGS::Shared::RoomStruct Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool IsRelativeRes () const
bool IsLegacyHiRes () const
RoomResolutionType GetResolutionType () const
void Free ()
void FreeMessages ()
void FreeScripts ()
void InitDefaults ()
void SetResolution (RoomResolutionType type)
BitmapGetMask (RoomAreaMask mask) const
float GetMaskScale (RoomAreaMask mask) const
bool HasRegionLightLevel (int id) const
bool HasRegionTint (int id) const
int GetRegionLightLevel (int id) const
int GetRegionTintLuminance (int id) const

Public Attributes

int32_t GameID
int32_t DataVersion
int32_t MaskResolution
int32_t Width
int32_t Height
RGB Palette [256]
RoomOptions Options
int32_t BackgroundBPP
size_t BgFrameCount
RoomBgFrame BgFrames [5]
int32_t BgAnimSpeed
RoomEdges Edges
PBitmap HotspotMask
PBitmap RegionMask
PBitmap WalkAreaMask
PBitmap WalkBehindMask
size_t HotspotCount
RoomHotspot Hotspots [50]
std::vector< RoomObjectInfoObjects
size_t RegionCount
RoomRegion Regions [16]
size_t WalkAreaCount
WalkArea WalkAreas [15+1]
size_t WalkBehindCount
WalkBehind WalkBehinds [16]
size_t MessageCount
String Messages [100]
MessageInfo MessageInfos [100]
StringIMap Properties
InterVarVector LocalVariables
PInteraction Interaction
PInteractionScripts EventHandlers
PScript CompiledScript
StringMap StrOptions

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