ScummVM API documentation
asCArray< T > Class Template Reference

Public Member Functions

 asCArray (const asCArray< T > &)
 asCArray (asUINT reserve)
void Allocate (asUINT numElements, bool keepData)
void AllocateNoConstruct (asUINT numElements, bool keepData)
asUINT GetCapacity () const
void PushLast (const T &element)
PopLast ()
bool SetLength (asUINT numElements)
bool SetLengthNoConstruct (asUINT numElements)
asUINT GetLength () const
void Copy (const T *, asUINT count)
asCArray< T > & operator= (const asCArray< T > &)
void SwapWith (asCArray< T > &other)
const T & operator[] (asUINT index) const
T & operator[] (asUINT index)
T * AddressOf ()
const T * AddressOf () const
bool Concatenate (const asCArray< T > &)
void Concatenate (T *, unsigned int count)
bool Exists (const T &element) const
int IndexOf (const T &element) const
void RemoveIndex (asUINT index)
void RemoveValue (const T &element)
void RemoveIndexUnordered (asUINT index)
bool operator== (const asCArray< T > &) const
bool operator!= (const asCArray< T > &) const

Protected Attributes

T * array
asUINT length
asUINT maxLength
char buf [2 *4 *AS_PTR_SIZE]

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