ScummVM API documentation
MT32Emu::Analog Class Referenceabstract

Public Member Functions

virtual unsigned int getOutputSampleRate () const =0
virtual Bit32u getDACStreamsLength (const Bit32u outputLength) const =0
virtual void setSynthOutputGain (const float synthGain)=0
virtual void setReverbOutputGain (const float reverbGain, const bool mt32ReverbCompatibilityMode)=0
virtual bool process (IntSample *outStream, const IntSample *nonReverbLeft, const IntSample *nonReverbRight, const IntSample *reverbDryLeft, const IntSample *reverbDryRight, const IntSample *reverbWetLeft, const IntSample *reverbWetRight, Bit32u outLength)=0
virtual bool process (FloatSample *outStream, const FloatSample *nonReverbLeft, const FloatSample *nonReverbRight, const FloatSample *reverbDryLeft, const FloatSample *reverbDryRight, const FloatSample *reverbWetLeft, const FloatSample *reverbWetRight, Bit32u outLength)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static AnalogcreateAnalog (const AnalogOutputMode mode, const bool oldMT32AnalogLPF, const RendererType rendererType)

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