ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cTileMap Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 cTileMap (cVector2l avSize, float afTileSize, cGraphics *apGraphics, cResources *apResources)
const cVector2lGetSize ()
float GetTileSize ()
int GetTileNeighbours4Dir (int alTileNum, int alLayer, bool *avDir)
void AddTileSet (cTileSet *apSet)
cTileSetGetTileSet (int alNum)
void AddTileLayerFront (cTileLayer *apLayer)
void AddTileLayerBack (cTileLayer *apLayer)
cTileLayerGetTileLayer (int alNum)
int GetTileLayerNum ()
iTileMapItGetRectIterator (const cRect2f &aRect, int alLayer)
iTileMapItGetLineIterator (const cVector2f &avStart, const cVector2f &avEnd, int alLayer)
void Render (cCamera2D *apCam)
cTileGetScreenTile (cVector2f avPos, int alLayer, cCamera2D *apCam)
void SetScreenTileData (cVector2f avPos, int alLayer, cCamera2D *apCam, int alTileSet, int alTileNum)
void SetScreenTileAngle (cVector2f avPos, int alLayer, cCamera2D *apCam, int alAngle)
cTileGetWorldTile (cVector2f avPos, int alLayer)
cVector2f GetWorldPos (cVector2f avScreenPos, cCamera2D *apCam)
void SetShadowLayer (int alShadowLayer)
int GetShadowLayer ()

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