ScummVM API documentation
BladeRunner::AIScriptFreeSlotB Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for BladeRunner::AIScriptFreeSlotB:
BladeRunner::AIScriptBase BladeRunner::ScriptBase

Public Member Functions

 AIScriptFreeSlotB (BladeRunnerEngine *vm)
void Initialize ()
bool Update ()
void TimerExpired (int timer)
void CompletedMovementTrack ()
void ReceivedClue (int clueId, int fromActorId)
void ClickedByPlayer ()
void EnteredSet (int setId)
void OtherAgentEnteredThisSet (int otherActorId)
void OtherAgentExitedThisSet (int otherActorId)
void OtherAgentEnteredCombatMode (int otherActorId, int combatMode)
void ShotAtAndMissed ()
bool ShotAtAndHit ()
void Retired (int byActorId)
int GetFriendlinessModifierIfGetsClue (int otherActorId, int clueId)
bool GoalChanged (int currentGoalNumber, int newGoalNumber)
bool UpdateAnimation (int *animation, int *frame)
bool ChangeAnimationMode (int mode)
void QueryAnimationState (int *animationState, int *animationFrame, int *animationStateNext, int *animationNext)
void SetAnimationState (int animationState, int animationFrame, int animationStateNext, int animationNext)
bool ReachedMovementTrackWaypoint (int waypointId)
void FledCombat ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BladeRunner::AIScriptBase
 AIScriptBase (BladeRunnerEngine *vm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BladeRunner::ScriptBase
 ScriptBase (BladeRunnerEngine *vm)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from BladeRunner::ScriptBase
void Preload (int animationId)
void Actor_Put_In_Set (int actorId, int set)
void Actor_Set_At_XYZ (int actorId, float x, float y, float z, int direction)
void Actor_Set_At_Waypoint (int actorId, int waypointId, int angle)
bool Region_Check (int left, int top, int right, int down)
bool Object_Query_Click (const char *objectName1, const char *objectName2)
void Object_Do_Ground_Click ()
bool Object_Mark_For_Hot_Mouse (const char *objectName)
void Actor_Face_Actor (int actorId, int otherActorId, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_Object (int actorId, const char *objectName, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_Item (int actorId, int itemId, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_Waypoint (int actorId, int waypointId, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_XYZ (int actorId, float x, float y, float z, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_Current_Camera (int actorId, bool animate)
void Actor_Face_Heading (int actorId, int heading, bool animate)
int Actor_Query_Friendliness_To_Other (int actorId, int otherActorId)
void Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other (int actorId, int otherActorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Set_Friendliness_To_Other (int actorId, int otherActorId, int friendliness)
void Actor_Set_Honesty (int actorId, int honesty)
void Actor_Set_Intelligence (int actorId, int intelligence)
void Actor_Set_Stability (int actorId, int stability)
void Actor_Set_Combat_Aggressiveness (int actorId, int combatAggressiveness)
int Actor_Query_Current_HP (int actorId)
int Actor_Query_Max_HP (int actorId)
int Actor_Query_Combat_Aggressiveness (int actorId)
int Actor_Query_Honesty (int actorId)
int Actor_Query_Intelligence (int actorId)
int Actor_Query_Stability (int actorId)
void Actor_Modify_Current_HP (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Modify_Max_HP (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Modify_Combat_Aggressiveness (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Modify_Honesty (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Modify_Intelligence (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Modify_Stability (int actorId, signed int change)
void Actor_Set_Flag_Damage_Anim_If_Moving (int actorId, bool value)
bool Actor_Query_Flag_Damage_Anim_If_Moving (int actorId)
void Actor_Combat_AI_Hit_Attempt (int actorId)
void Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_On (int actorId, int initialState, bool rangedAttack, int enemyId, int waypointType, int animationModeCombatIdle, int animationModeCombatWalk, int animationModeCombatRun, int fleeRatio, int coverRatio, int attackRatio, int damage, int range, bool unstoppable)
void Non_Player_Actor_Combat_Mode_Off (int actorId)
void Actor_Set_Health (int actorId, int hp, int maxHp)
void Actor_Set_Targetable (int actorId, bool targetable)
void Actor_Says (int actorId, int sentenceId, int animationMode)
void Actor_Says_With_Pause (int actorId, int sentenceId, float pause, int animationMode)
void Actor_Voice_Over (int sentenceId, int actorId)
void Actor_Start_Speech_Sample (int actorId, int sentenceId)
void Actor_Start_Voice_Over_Sample (int sentenceId)
int Actor_Query_Which_Set_In (int actorId)
bool Actor_Query_Is_In_Current_Set (int actorId)
bool Actor_Query_In_Set (int actorId, int setId)
int Actor_Query_Inch_Distance_From_Actor (int actorId, int otherActorId)
int Actor_Query_Inch_Distance_From_Waypoint (int actorId, int waypointId)
bool Actor_Query_In_Between_Two_Actors (int actorId, int otherActor1Id, int otherActor2Id)
void Actor_Set_Goal_Number (int actorId, int goalNumber)
int Actor_Query_Goal_Number (int actorId)
void Actor_Query_XYZ (int actorId, float *x, float *y, float *z)
int Actor_Query_Facing_1024 (int actorId)
void Actor_Set_Frame_Rate_FPS (int actorId, int fps)
int Slice_Animation_Query_Number_Of_Frames (int animationId)
void Actor_Change_Animation_Mode (int actorId, int animationMode)
int Actor_Query_Animation_Mode (int actorId)
bool Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Actor (int actorId, int otherActorId, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool run)
bool Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Item (int actorId, int itemId, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool run)
bool Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Scene_Object (int actorId, const char *objectName, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool run)
bool Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Waypoint (int actorId, int waypointId, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool run)
bool Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ (int actorId, float x, float y, float z, int proximity, bool interruptible, bool run, bool force)
void Async_Actor_Walk_To_Waypoint (int actorId, int waypointId, int proximity, bool run)
void Async_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ (int actorId, float x, float y, float z, int proximity, bool run)
void Actor_Force_Stop_Walking (int actorId)
void Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs (int actorId, int stepCount, bool up, int animationModeEnd)
void Loop_Actor_Travel_Ladder (int actorId, int stepCount, bool up, int animationModeEnd)
void Actor_Clue_Add_To_Database (int actorId, int clueId, int weight, bool clueAcquired, bool unknownFlag, int fromActorId)
void Actor_Clue_Acquire (int actorId, int clueId, bool unknownFlag, int fromActorId)
void Actor_Clue_Lose (int actorId, int clueId)
bool Actor_Clue_Query (int actorId, int clueId)
bool Actor_Clues_Transfer_New_To_Mainframe (int actorId)
bool Actor_Clues_Transfer_New_From_Mainframe (int actorId)
void Actor_Set_Invisible (int actorId, bool isInvisible)
void Actor_Set_Immunity_To_Obstacles (int actorId, bool isImmune)
void Item_Add_To_World (int itemId, int animationId, int setId, float x, float y, float z, signed int facing, int height, int width, bool isTargetable, bool isObstacle, bool isPoliceMazeEnemy, bool updateOnly)
void Item_Remove_From_Current_Scene (int itemId)
void Item_Remove_From_World (int itemId)
void Item_Spin_In_World (int itemId)
void Item_Flag_As_Target (int itemId)
void Item_Flag_As_Non_Target (int itemId)
void Item_Pickup_Spin_Effect (int animationId, int x, int y)
void Item_Pickup_Spin_Effect_From_Actor (int animationId, int actorId, int xOffset=0, int yOffset=0)
bool Item_Query_Visible (int itemId)
void Set_Subtitle_Text_On_Screen (int subtitlesRole, Common::String displayText)
void Screen_Effect_Skip (int effectInc, bool forceExtraSceneFrameSkip)
void Screen_Effect_Restore (int effectInc, bool forceExtraSceneFrameSkip)
void Screen_Effect_Restore_All (bool forceExtraSceneFrameSkip)
int Animation_Open ()
int Animation_Close ()
int Animation_Start ()
int Animation_Stop ()
int Animation_Skip_To_Frame ()
void Delay (uint32 miliseconds)
bool Player_Has_Control ()
void Player_Loses_Control ()
void Player_Gains_Control ()
void Player_Set_Combat_Mode (bool activate)
bool Player_Query_Combat_Mode ()
void Player_Set_Combat_Mode_Access (bool enable)
int Player_Query_Current_Set ()
int Player_Query_Current_Scene ()
int Player_Query_Agenda ()
void Player_Set_Agenda (int agenda)
int Query_Difficulty_Level ()
void Game_Flag_Set (int flag)
void Game_Flag_Reset (int flag)
bool Game_Flag_Query (int flag)
void Set_Enter (int setId, int sceneId)
void Chapter_Enter (int chapter, int setId, int sceneId)
int Global_Variable_Set (int, int)
int Global_Variable_Reset (int)
int Global_Variable_Query (int)
int Global_Variable_Increment (int, int)
int Global_Variable_Decrement (int, int)
int Random_Query (int min, int max)
void Sound_Play (int id, int volume, int panStart, int panEnd, int priority)
void Sound_Play_Speech_Line (int actorId, int sentenceId, int volume, int a4, int priority)
void Sound_Left_Footstep_Walk (int actorId)
void Sound_Right_Footstep_Walk (int actorId)
void Sound_Left_Footstep_Run (int actorId)
void Sound_Right_Footstep_Run (int actorId)
void Footstep_Sounds_Set (int index, int value)
void Footstep_Sound_Override_On (int footstepSoundOverride)
void Footstep_Sound_Override_Off ()
bool Music_Play (int musicId, int volume, int pan, int32 timeFadeInSeconds, int32 timePlaySeconds, int loop, int32 timeFadeOutSeconds)
void Music_Adjust (int volume, int pan, uint32 delaySeconds)
void Music_Stop (uint32 delaySeconds)
bool Music_Is_Playing ()
void Overlay_Play (const char *overlay, int loopId, bool loopForever, bool startNow, int a5)
void Overlay_Remove (const char *overlay)
void Scene_Loop_Set_Default (int loopId)
void Scene_Loop_Start_Special (int sceneLoopMode, int loopId, bool immediately)
void Outtake_Play (int id, int noLocalization=false, int container=-1)
void Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound (int sfxId, uint32 delayMinSeconds, uint32 delayMaxSeconds, int volumeMin, int volumeMax, int panStartMin, int panStartMax, int panEndMin, int panEndMax, int priority, int unk)
void Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound (int sfxId, bool stopPlaying)
void Ambient_Sounds_Add_Speech_Sound (int actorId, int sentenceId, uint32 delayMinSeconds, uint32 delayMaxSeconds, int volumeMin, int volumeMax, int panStartMin, int panStartMax, int panEndMin, int panEndMax, int priority, int unk)
void Ambient_Sounds_Play_Sound (int sfxId, int volume, int panStart, int panEnd, int priority)
void Ambient_Sounds_Play_Speech_Sound (int actorId, int sfxId, int volume, int panStart, int panEnd, int priority)
void Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds (bool stopPlaying)
void Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound (int sfxId, int volume, int pan, uint32 delaySeconds)
void Ambient_Sounds_Adjust_Looping_Sound (int sfxId, int volume, int pan, uint32 delaySeconds)
void Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Looping_Sound (int sfxId, uint32 delaySeconds)
void Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds (uint32 delaySeconds)
void Setup_Scene_Information (float actorX, float actorY, float actorZ, int actorFacing)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Appear (int x, int y)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Disappear ()
bool Dialogue_Menu_Clear_List ()
bool Dialogue_Menu_Add_To_List (int answer)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Add_DONE_To_List (int answer)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected (int answer)
bool DM_Add_To_List (int answer, int priorityPolite, int priorityNormal, int prioritySurly)
bool DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected (int answer, int priorityPolite, int priorityNormal, int prioritySurly)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Clear_Never_Repeat_Was_Selected_Flag (int answer)
bool Dialogue_Menu_Remove_From_List (int answer)
int Dialogue_Menu_Query_Input ()
int Dialogue_Menu_Query_List_Size ()
void Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit (int index, int left, int top, int right, int down, int type)
void Scene_Exit_Remove (int index)
void Scene_Exits_Disable ()
void Scene_Exits_Enable ()
void Scene_2D_Region_Add (int index, int left, int top, int right, int down)
void Scene_2D_Region_Remove (int index)
void World_Waypoint_Set (int waypointId, int setId, float x, float y, float z)
float World_Waypoint_Query_X (int waypointId)
float World_Waypoint_Query_Y (int waypointId)
float World_Waypoint_Query_Z (int waypointId)
void Combat_Cover_Waypoint_Set_Data (int coverWaypointId, int a2, int setId, int a4, float x, float y, float z)
void Combat_Flee_Waypoint_Set_Data (int fleeWaypointId, int a2, int setId, int a4, float x, float y, float z, int a8)
void Police_Maze_Target_Track_Add (int itemId, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float endX, float endY, float endZ, int steps, const int *instructions, bool isActive)
int Police_Maze_Query_Score ()
void Police_Maze_Zero_Score ()
void Police_Maze_Increment_Score (int delta)
void Police_Maze_Decrement_Score (int delta)
void Police_Maze_Set_Score (int value)
void Police_Maze_Set_Pause_State (bool state)
void CDB_Set_Crime (int clueId, int crimeId)
void CDB_Set_Clue_Asset_Type (int clueId, int assetType)
void SDB_Set_Actor (int suspectId, int actorId)
bool SDB_Add_Photo_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId, int shapeId)
void SDB_Set_Name (int suspectId)
void SDB_Set_Sex (int suspectId, int sex)
bool SDB_Add_Identity_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
bool SDB_Add_MO_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
bool SDB_Add_Whereabouts_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
bool SDB_Add_Replicant_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
bool SDB_Add_Non_Replicant_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
bool SDB_Add_Other_Clue (int suspectId, int clueId)
void Spinner_Set_Selectable_Destination_Flag (int destination, bool selectable)
int Spinner_Interface_Choose_Dest (int loopId, bool immediately)
void ESPER_Flag_To_Activate ()
void Voight_Kampff_Activate (int actorId, int calibrationRatio)
int Elevator_Activate (int elevatorId)
void View_Score_Board ()
int Query_Score (int a0)
void Set_Score (int a0, int a1)
void Give_McCoy_Ammo (int ammoType, int ammo)
void Assign_Player_Gun_Hit_Sounds (int ammoType, int soundId1, int soundId2, int soundId3)
void Assign_Player_Gun_Miss_Sounds (int ammoType, int soundId1, int soundId2, int soundId3)
void Disable_Shadows (int animationsIdsList[], int listSize)
bool Query_System_Currently_Loading_Game ()
void Actor_Retired_Here (int actorId, int width, int height, bool retired, int retiredByActorId)
void Clickable_Object (const char *objectName)
void Unclickable_Object (const char *objectName)
void Obstacle_Object (const char *objectName, bool updateWalkpath)
void Unobstacle_Object (const char *objectName, bool updateWalkpath)
void Obstacle_Flag_All_Objects (bool isObstacle)
void Combat_Target_Object (const char *objectName)
void Un_Combat_Target_Object (const char *objectName)
void Set_Fade_Color (float r, float g, float b)
void Set_Fade_Density (float density)
void Set_Fog_Color (const char *fogName, float r, float g, float b)
void Set_Fog_Density (const char *fogName, float density)
void ADQ_Flush ()
void ADQ_Add (int actorId, int sentenceId, int animationMode)
void ADQ_Add_Pause (int32 delayMillis)
void ADQ_Wait_For_All_Queued_Dialogue ()
bool Game_Over ()
void Autosave_Game (int textId)
void I_Sez (const char *str)
void Add_Subtitle_To_Queue (Common::String dbgQuote, uint32 duration)
void Clear_Subtitle_Queue ()
void AI_Countdown_Timer_Start (int actorId, signed int timer, int32 seconds)
void AI_Countdown_Timer_Reset (int actorId, int timer)
void AI_Movement_Track_Unpause (int actorId)
void AI_Movement_Track_Pause (int actorId)
void AI_Movement_Track_Repeat (int actorId)
void AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run_With_Facing (int actorId, int waypointId, int32 delay, int angle)
void AI_Movement_Track_Append_With_Facing (int actorId, int waypointId, int32 delay, int angle)
void AI_Movement_Track_Append_Run (int actorId, int waypointId, int32 delay)
void AI_Movement_Track_Append (int actorId, int waypointId, int32 delay)
void AI_Movement_Track_Flush (int actorId)
void ESPER_Add_Photo (const char *name, int photoId, int shapeId)
void ESPER_Define_Special_Region (int regionId, int innerLeft, int innerTop, int innerRight, int innerBottom, int outerLeft, int outerTop, int outerRight, int outerBottom, int selectionLeft, int selectionTop, int selectionRight, int selectionBottom, const char *name)
void KIA_Play_Actor_Dialogue (int actorId, int sentenceId)
void KIA_Play_Slice_Model (int sliceModelId)
void KIA_Play_Photograph (int photographId)
void VK_Play_Speech_Line (int actorId, int sentenceId, float pauseDuration)
void VK_Add_Question (int intensity, int sentenceId, int relatedSentenceId)
void VK_Subject_Reacts (int intensity, int humanResponse, int replicantResponse, int anxiety)
void VK_Eye_Animates (int loopId)
- Protected Attributes inherited from BladeRunner::AIScriptBase
int _animationState
int _animationFrame
int _animationStateNext
int _animationNext
- Protected Attributes inherited from BladeRunner::ScriptBase

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: