ScummVM API documentation
ICB::_set Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool8 Init (const char *camera_name, const char *h_camera_name)
void Init_construction_matrices ()
void Init_base_bitmap_buffers ()
void ReInit ()
PXcameraGetCamera ()
rlp_APIGetPRig ()
pcStaticLayersGetStaticLayers ()
pcPropFileGetProps ()
pcInteractibleFileGetInteractibles ()
uint8 * GetBackground ()
uint32 GetPropQty ()
const char * GetPropName (uint32 n)
uint32 GetPropRange (uint32 n)
bool8 DoesPropExist (const char *propName)
int32 OK ()
void Reset ()
bool8 DoesCameraExist (const char *camera_name, const char *camera_cluster_name)
void RefreshBackdrop ()
void Set_draw (bool8 helper)
const char * GetSetName () const
void DrawSparkles ()
void DrawWeather ()
void InitWeather (int32 type, int32 particleQty, int32 lightning, int32 windX, int32 windY, int32 windZ)

Public Attributes

uint32 m_propSurfaceIds [16]
int32 m_propSurfaces [512]
int32 m_propResolutions [16]
int32 m_TotalPropSurfaces


void sv_WeatherControls ()

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