ScummVM API documentation
Sci::ExecStack Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

reg_tgetVarPointer (SegManager *segMan) const
 ExecStack (reg_t objp_, reg_t sendp_, StackPtr sp_, int argc_, StackPtr argp_, SegmentId localsSegment_, reg_t pc_, Selector debugSelector_, int debugKernelFunction_, int debugKernelSubFunction_, int debugExportId_, int debugLocalCallOffset_, int debugOrigin_, ExecStackType type_)

Public Attributes

reg_t objp
 Pointer to the beginning of the current object.
reg_t sendp
 Pointer to the object containing the invoked method.
union {
   ObjVarRef   varp
   reg_t   pc
StackPtr fp
StackPtr sp
int argc
StackPtr variables_argp
int tempCount
SegmentId local_segment
Selector debugSelector
int debugExportId
int debugLocalCallOffset
int debugOrigin
int debugKernelFunction
int debugKernelSubFunction
ExecStackType type

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