This is the complete list of members for Agi::GfxMgr, including all inherited members.
block_restore(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte *bufferPtr) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
block_save(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte *bufferPtr) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
checkControlPixel(int16 x, int16 y, byte newPriority) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
clear(byte color, byte priority) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
clearDisplay(byte color, bool copyToScreen=true) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
copyDisplayRectToScreen(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
copyDisplayRectToScreen(int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, int16 width, int16 adjWidth, int16 height, int16 adjHeight) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
copyDisplayRectToScreenUsingGamePos(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
copyDisplayRectToScreenUsingVisualPos(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
copyDisplayToScreen() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
createDefaultPriorityTable(uint8 *priorityTable) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | static |
debugShowMap(int mapNr) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
deinitVideo() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawBox(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte backgroundColor, byte lineColor) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawCharacter(int16 row, int16 column, byte character, byte foreground, byte background, bool disabledLook) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawCharacterOnDisplay(int16 x, int16 y, byte character, byte foreground, byte background, byte transformXOR=0, byte transformOR=0) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawDisplayRect(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte color, bool copyToScreen=true) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawDisplayRect(int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, int16 width, int16 adjWidth, int16 height, int16 adjHeight, byte color, bool copyToScreen=true) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawStringOnDisplay(int16 x, int16 y, const char *text, byte foreground, byte background) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
drawStringOnDisplay(int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, const char *text, byte foregroundColor, byte backgroundColor) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getAGIPalFileNum() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getCGAMixtureColor(byte color) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getColor(int16 x, int16 y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getDisplayFontHeight() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | inline |
getDisplayFontWidth() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | inline |
getDisplayOffsetToGameScreenPos(int16 x, int16 y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getDisplayOffsetToVisualScreenPos(int16 x, int16 y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getDisplayScreenWidth() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | inline |
getFontRectForDisplayScreen(int16 column, int16 row, int16 width, int16 height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getPriority(int16 x, int16 y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getRenderStartDisplayOffsetY() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
getUpscaledHires() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | inline |
GfxMgr(AgiBase *vm, GfxFont *font) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
initMouseCursor(MouseCursorData *mouseCursor, const byte *bitmapData, uint16 width, uint16 height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
initPalette(uint8 *destPalette, const uint8 *paletteData, uint colorCount=16, uint fromBits=6, uint toBits=8) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | static |
initPaletteCLUT(uint8 *destPalette, const uint16 *paletteCLUTData, uint colorCount=16) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | static |
initPriorityTable() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
initVideo() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
priorityFromY(int16 yPos) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
priorityToY(int16 priority) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
putFontPixelOnDisplay(int16 baseX, int16 baseY, int16 addX, int16 addY, byte color, bool isHires) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
putPixel(int16 x, int16 y, byte drawMask, byte color, byte priority) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
putPixelOnDisplay(int16 x, int16 y, byte color) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
putPixelOnDisplay(int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, byte color) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
render_Block(int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, bool copyToScreen=true) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
saveLoadFigureOutPriorityTableModifiedBool() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
saveLoadGetPriority(int16 yPos) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
saveLoadSetPriority(int16 yPos, int16 priority) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
saveLoadSetPriorityTableModifiedBool(bool wasModified) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
saveLoadWasPriorityTableModified() const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
setAGIPal(int) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
setMouseCursor(bool busy=false) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
setPalette(bool GfxModePalette) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
setPriorityTable(int16 priorityBase) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
setRenderStartOffset(uint16 offsetY) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
shakeScreen(int16 repeatCount) (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
transition_Amiga() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
transition_AtariSt() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateDisplayDimensionToVisualScreen(int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateDisplayPosToFontScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateDisplayPosToGameScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateFontDimensionToDisplayScreen(int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateFontPosToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateFontRectToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateGamePosToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateGameRectToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateVisualDimensionToDisplayScreen(int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateVisualPosToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
translateVisualRectToDisplayScreen(int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr | |
updateScreen() (defined in Agi::GfxMgr) | Agi::GfxMgr |