ScummVM API documentation
Agi::GfxMgr Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 GfxMgr (AgiBase *vm, GfxFont *font)
void initVideo ()
void deinitVideo ()
void setAGIPal (int)
int getAGIPalFileNum () const
void setPalette (bool GfxModePalette)
void initMouseCursor (MouseCursorData *mouseCursor, const byte *bitmapData, uint16 width, uint16 height, int hotspotX, int hotspotY)
void setMouseCursor (bool busy=false)
void setRenderStartOffset (uint16 offsetY)
uint16 getRenderStartDisplayOffsetY () const
void translateGamePosToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y) const
void translateVisualPosToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y) const
void translateDisplayPosToGameScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y) const
void translateVisualDimensionToDisplayScreen (int16 &width, int16 &height) const
void translateDisplayDimensionToVisualScreen (int16 &width, int16 &height) const
void translateGameRectToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const
void translateVisualRectToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const
uint32 getDisplayOffsetToGameScreenPos (int16 x, int16 y) const
uint32 getDisplayOffsetToVisualScreenPos (int16 x, int16 y) const
void copyDisplayRectToScreen (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height)
void copyDisplayRectToScreen (int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, int16 width, int16 adjWidth, int16 height, int16 adjHeight)
void copyDisplayRectToScreenUsingGamePos (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height)
void copyDisplayRectToScreenUsingVisualPos (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height)
void copyDisplayToScreen ()
void translateFontPosToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y) const
void translateDisplayPosToFontScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y) const
void translateFontDimensionToDisplayScreen (int16 &width, int16 &height) const
void translateFontRectToDisplayScreen (int16 &x, int16 &y, int16 &width, int16 &height) const
Common::Rect getFontRectForDisplayScreen (int16 column, int16 row, int16 width, int16 height) const
uint16 getDisplayScreenWidth () const
uint16 getDisplayFontWidth () const
uint16 getDisplayFontHeight () const
GfxScreenUpscaledMode getUpscaledHires () const
void debugShowMap (int mapNr)
void clear (byte color, byte priority)
void clearDisplay (byte color, bool copyToScreen=true)
void putPixel (int16 x, int16 y, byte drawMask, byte color, byte priority)
void putPixelOnDisplay (int16 x, int16 y, byte color)
void putPixelOnDisplay (int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, byte color)
void putFontPixelOnDisplay (int16 baseX, int16 baseY, int16 addX, int16 addY, byte color, bool isHires)
byte getColor (int16 x, int16 y) const
byte getPriority (int16 x, int16 y) const
bool checkControlPixel (int16 x, int16 y, byte newPriority) const
byte getCGAMixtureColor (byte color) const
void render_Block (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, bool copyToScreen=true)
void transition_Amiga ()
void transition_AtariSt ()
void block_save (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte *bufferPtr) const
void block_restore (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte *bufferPtr)
void drawBox (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte backgroundColor, byte lineColor)
void drawDisplayRect (int16 x, int16 y, int16 width, int16 height, byte color, bool copyToScreen=true)
void drawDisplayRect (int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, int16 width, int16 adjWidth, int16 height, int16 adjHeight, byte color, bool copyToScreen=true)
void drawCharacter (int16 row, int16 column, byte character, byte foreground, byte background, bool disabledLook)
void drawStringOnDisplay (int16 x, int16 y, const char *text, byte foreground, byte background)
void drawStringOnDisplay (int16 x, int16 adjX, int16 y, int16 adjY, const char *text, byte foregroundColor, byte backgroundColor)
void drawCharacterOnDisplay (int16 x, int16 y, byte character, byte foreground, byte background, byte transformXOR=0, byte transformOR=0)
void shakeScreen (int16 repeatCount)
void updateScreen ()
void initPriorityTable ()
void setPriorityTable (int16 priorityBase)
bool saveLoadWasPriorityTableModified () const
int16 saveLoadGetPriority (int16 yPos) const
void saveLoadSetPriorityTableModifiedBool (bool wasModified)
void saveLoadSetPriority (int16 yPos, int16 priority)
void saveLoadFigureOutPriorityTableModifiedBool ()
int16 priorityToY (int16 priority) const
int16 priorityFromY (int16 yPos) const

Static Public Member Functions

static void initPalette (uint8 *destPalette, const uint8 *paletteData, uint colorCount=16, uint fromBits=6, uint toBits=8)
static void initPaletteCLUT (uint8 *destPalette, const uint16 *paletteCLUTData, uint colorCount=16)
static void createDefaultPriorityTable (uint8 *priorityTable)

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