ScummVM API documentation
Ultima::Ultima8::BaseSoftRenderSurface Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ultima::Ultima8::BaseSoftRenderSurface:
Ultima::Ultima8::RenderSurface Ultima::Ultima8::SoftRenderSurface< uintX >

Public Member Functions

bool BeginPainting () override
bool EndPainting () override
 Finish paining to the buffer.
void SetOrigin (int32 x, int32 y) override
 Set the Origin of the Surface.
void GetOrigin (int32 &x, int32 &y) const override
 Set the Origin of the Surface.
void GetSurfaceDims (Rect &) const override
 Get the Surface Dimensions.
void GetClippingRect (Rect &) const override
 Get Clipping Rectangle.
void SetClippingRect (const Rect &) override
 Set Clipping Rectangle.
int16 CheckClipped (const Rect &) const override
 Check Clipped. -1 if off screen, 0 if not clipped, 1 if clipped.
void SetFlipped (bool flipped) override
 Flip the surface.
bool IsFlipped () const override
 Has the render surface been flipped?
void CreateNativePalette (Palette *palette, int maxindex=0) override
Graphics::ManagedSurfacegetRawSurface () const override
 Get a reference to the underlying surface that's being encapsulated.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ultima::Ultima8::RenderSurface
virtual void Fill32 (uint32 rgb, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h)=0
 Fill buffer (using a RGB colour)
virtual void FillAlpha (uint8 alpha, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h)=0
 Fill alpha channel.
virtual void FillBlended (uint32 rgba, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h)=0
 Fill the region doing alpha blending.
virtual void Paint (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Shape.
virtual void PaintNoClip (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Shape without clipping.
virtual void PaintTranslucent (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Translucent Shape.
virtual void PaintMirrored (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool trans=false, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Mirrored Shape.
virtual void PaintInvisible (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint an Invisible Shape.
virtual void PaintHighlight (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, uint32 col32, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Highlighted Shape of using the 32 Bit Colour col32 (0xAARRGGBB Alpha is blend level)
virtual void PaintHighlightInvis (const Shape *s, uint32 frame, int32 x, int32 y, bool trans, bool mirrored, uint32 col32, bool untformed_pal=false)=0
 Paint a Invisible Highlighted Shape of using the 32 Bit Colour col32 (0xAARRGGBB Alpha is blend level)
virtual void DrawLine32 (uint32 rgb, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 ex, int32 ey)=0
virtual void Blit (const Graphics::ManagedSurface *, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h, int32 dx, int32 dy, bool alpha_blend=false)=0
 Blit a region from a Texture (Alpha == 0 -> skipped)
virtual void FadedBlit (const Graphics::ManagedSurface *, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h, int32 dx, int32 dy, uint32 col32, bool alpha_blend=false)=0
 Blit a region from a Texture with a Colour blend (AlphaTex == 0 -> skipped. AlphaCol32 -> Blend Factors)
virtual void MaskedBlit (const Graphics::ManagedSurface *, int32 sx, int32 sy, int32 w, int32 h, int32 dx, int32 dy, uint32 col32, bool alpha_blend=false)=0
 Blit a region from a Texture with a Colour blend masked based on DestAlpha (AlphaTex == 0 || AlphaDest == 0 -> skipped. AlphaCol32 -> Blend Factors)

Protected Member Functions

 BaseSoftRenderSurface (Graphics::ManagedSurface *)
void SetPixelsPointer ()

Protected Attributes

uint8 * _pixels
uint8 * _pixels00
int _bytesPerPixel
int _bitsPerPixel
int _formatType
int32 _ox
int32 _oy
int32 _width
int32 _height
int32 _pitch
bool _flipped
Rect _clipWindow
uint32 _lockCount

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ultima::Ultima8::RenderSurface
static RenderSurfaceSetVideoMode (uint32 width, uint32 height, int bpp)
 Create a standard RenderSurface.
static RenderSurfaceCreateSecondaryRenderSurface (uint32 width, uint32 height)
 Create a SecondaryRenderSurface with an associated Texture object.
static Graphics::PixelFormat getPixelFormat ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ultima::Ultima8::RenderSurface
static U8PixelFormat_format
static uint8 _gamma10toGamma22 [256]
static uint8 _gamma22toGamma10 [256]

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