ScummVM API documentation
ImGuiViewportP Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for ImGuiViewportP:

Public Member Functions

void ClearRequestFlags ()
ImVec2 CalcWorkRectPos (const ImVec2 &off_min) const
ImVec2 CalcWorkRectSize (const ImVec2 &off_min, const ImVec2 &off_max) const
void UpdateWorkRect ()
ImRect GetMainRect () const
ImRect GetWorkRect () const
ImRect GetBuildWorkRect () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from ImGuiViewport
ImVec2 GetCenter () const
ImVec2 GetWorkCenter () const

Public Attributes

int Idx
int LastFrameActive
int LastFocusedStampCount
ImGuiID LastNameHash
ImVec2 LastPos
float Alpha
float LastAlpha
bool LastFocusedHadNavWindow
short PlatformMonitor
int BgFgDrawListsLastFrame [2]
ImDrawListBgFgDrawLists [2]
ImDrawData DrawDataP
ImDrawDataBuilder DrawDataBuilder
ImVec2 LastPlatformPos
ImVec2 LastPlatformSize
ImVec2 LastRendererSize
ImVec2 WorkOffsetMin
ImVec2 WorkOffsetMax
ImVec2 BuildWorkOffsetMin
ImVec2 BuildWorkOffsetMax
- Public Attributes inherited from ImGuiViewport
ImGuiViewportFlags Flags
ImVec2 Pos
ImVec2 Size
ImVec2 WorkPos
ImVec2 WorkSize
float DpiScale
ImGuiID ParentViewportId
void * RendererUserData
void * PlatformUserData
void * PlatformHandle
void * PlatformHandleRaw
bool PlatformWindowCreated
bool PlatformRequestMove
bool PlatformRequestResize
bool PlatformRequestClose

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