ScummVM API documentation
Ultima::Nuvie::Font Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for Ultima::Nuvie::Font:
Ultima::Nuvie::BMPFont Ultima::Nuvie::ConvFont Ultima::Nuvie::U6Font Ultima::Nuvie::WOUFont

Public Member Functions

uint8 getDefaultColor ()
void setDefaultColor (uint8 color)
void setDefaultHighlightColor (uint8 color)
uint16 drawString (Screen *screen, const char *str, uint16 x, uint16 y)
uint16 drawString (Screen *screen, const char *str, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color, uint8 highlight_color)
uint16 drawString (Screen *screen, const char *str, uint16 string_len, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color, uint8 highlight_color)
uint16 drawChar (Screen *screen, uint8 char_num, uint16 x, uint16 y)
virtual uint16 drawChar (Screen *screen, uint8 char_num, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color)=0
uint16 drawStringToShape (U6Shape *shp, const char *str, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color)
uint8 drawCharToShape (U6Shape *shp, uint8 char_num, uint16 x, uint16 y, uint8 color)
virtual uint16 getCharWidth (uint8 c)=0
virtual uint16 getCharHeight ()=0
uint16 getStringWidth (const char *str)
virtual uint16 getStringWidth (const char *str, uint16 string_len)
void setOffset (uint16 off)

Protected Member Functions

uint8 get_char_num (uint8 c)

Protected Attributes

uint16 num_chars
uint16 offset
uint8 default_color
uint8 default_highlight_color

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