ScummVM API documentation
ICB::_sound_logic Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void Initialise ()
void Cycle ()
bool8 SoundEventPendingForID (uint32 nID)
void ClearHeardFlag (uint32 nID)
uint32 ProcessSound (int32 fX, int32 fY, int32 fZ, const CSfx *pSFX) const
void NewSound (uint32 nObjectID, int32 nX, int32 nY, int32 nZ, const CSfx *pSFX, uint32 nSoundHash)
bool8 SubtitleActive () const
void DrawSubtitle () const
void SetSuspendedFlag (uint32 nID, bool8 bSuspend)
void AddSubscription (uint32 nID, const char *pcSoundID)
void RemoveSubscription (uint32 nID, const char *pcSoundID)
void RemoveAllSubscriptions (uint32 nID)
void SetHearingSensitivity (uint32 nID, uint32 nSensitivity)
bool8 MegaHeardSomething (uint32 nID)
bool8 MegaHeardThis (uint32 nID, const char *pcSoundID)
int32 GetSoundX (uint32 nSoundHash) const
int32 GetSoundZ (uint32 nSoundHash) const
void LinkFloorsForSoundEvents (const char *pcFloor1, const char *pcFloor2)

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