This is the complete list of members for Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen, including all inherited members.
_backBuffer (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | protected |
_backBuffer1 (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_backBuffer2 (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_cMap (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_currentScroll (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_dirtyRects | Graphics::Screen | protected |
_fadeStyle (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_flushScreen (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_sMap (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_tMap (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
_vm (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | protected |
activateBackBuffer1() | Sherlock::Screen | |
activateBackBuffer2() | Sherlock::Screen | |
addDirtyRect(const Common::Rect &r) | Graphics::Screen | virtual |
BaseSurface() | Sherlock::BaseSurface | |
BaseSurface(int width, int height) | Sherlock::BaseSurface | |
BaseSurface(int width_, int height_, const Graphics::PixelFormat &pf) (defined in Sherlock::BaseSurface) | Sherlock::BaseSurface | |
blendBlitTo(ManagedSurface &target, const int posX=0, const int posY=0, const int flipping=FLIP_NONE, const Common::Rect *srcRect=nullptr, const uint colorMod=(uint32)(((255)<< 24)|((255)<< 16)|((255)<< 8)|(255)), const int width=-1, const int height=-1, const TSpriteBlendMode blend=BLEND_NORMAL, const AlphaType alphaType=ALPHA_FULL) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blendBlitTo(Surface &target, const int posX=0, const int posY=0, const int flipping=FLIP_NONE, const Common::Rect *srcRect=nullptr, const uint colorMod=(uint32)(((255)<< 24)|((255)<< 16)|((255)<< 8)|(255)), const int width=-1, const int height=-1, const TSpriteBlendMode blend=BLEND_NORMAL, const AlphaType alphaType=ALPHA_FULL) (defined in Graphics::ManagedSurface) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const Surface &src, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
blitFrom3DOcolorLimit(uint16 color) (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | |
blitFromInner(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | protected |
blockMove(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Screen | |
blockMove() | Sherlock::Screen | |
buttonPrint(const Common::Point &pt, uint color, bool slamIt, const Common::String &buttonText, bool textContainsHotkey=true) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
charHeight(unsigned char c) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
charWidth(const char *str, int &idx) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
charWidth(char ch) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
clear(uint32 color=0) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
clearDirtyRects() | Graphics::Screen | inlinevirtual |
clearPalette() | Graphics::Screen | |
clearTransparentColor() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
clip(Common::Rect &srcBounds, Common::Rect &destBounds) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
convertFrom(const ManagedSurface &surf, const PixelFormat &fmt) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
convertFrom(const Surface &surf, const PixelFormat &fmt) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
convertToInPlace(const PixelFormat &dstFormat) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
convertToInPlace(const PixelFormat &dstFormat, const byte *palette, uint16 paletteCount) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
copyFrom(const ManagedSurface &surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
copyFrom(const Surface &surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
copyRectToSurface(const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
copyRectToSurface(const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
copyRectToSurfaceWithKey(const void *buffer, int srcPitch, int destX, int destY, int width, int height, uint32 key) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
copyRectToSurfaceWithKey(const Graphics::Surface &srcSurface, int destX, int destY, const Common::Rect subRect, uint32 key) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
create(int16 width, int16 height) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
create(int16 width, int16 height, const PixelFormat &pixelFormat) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
create(ManagedSurface &surf, const Common::Rect &bounds) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
detectAlpha() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
disposeAfterUse() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
drawThickLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int penX, int penY, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
empty() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
equalizePalette(const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) | Sherlock::Screen | |
fadeIn(const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE], int speed=2) | Sherlock::Screen | |
fadeIntoScreen3DO(int speed) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | |
fadeRead(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, byte *buf, int totalSize) (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
fadeToBlack(int speed=2) | Sherlock::Screen | |
fillRect(Common::Rect r, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
flushImage(ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, int16 *xp, int16 *yp, int16 *width, int16 *height) | Sherlock::Screen | |
flushImage(ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, Common::Rect &newBounds, int scaleVal) | Sherlock::Screen | |
flushScaleImage(ImageFrame *frame, const Common::Point &pt, int16 *xp, int16 *yp, int16 *width, int16 *height, int scaleVal) | Sherlock::Screen | |
fontHeight() const | Sherlock::Fonts | inline |
fontNumber() const | Sherlock::Fonts | inline |
format | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
frameRect(const Common::Rect &r, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
free() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
freeFont() | Sherlock::Fonts | static |
getBackBuffer() | Sherlock::Screen | inline |
getBasePtr(int x, int y) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getBasePtr(int x, int y) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getBounds() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getDisplayBounds() | Sherlock::Screen | |
getOffsetFromOwner() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getPalette(byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) | Graphics::Screen | |
getPalette(byte *palette, uint start, uint num) | Graphics::Screen | |
getPalette(uint start=0, uint num=PALETTE_COUNT) | Graphics::Screen | inline |
getPixel(int x, int y) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getPixels() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getPixels() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getSubArea(const Common::Rect &area) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
getTransparentColor() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
gPrint(const Common::Point &pt, uint color, MSVC_PRINTF const char *formatStr,...) GCC_PRINTF(4 | Sherlock::Screen | |
grabPalette(byte *colors, uint start, uint num) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
h | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
hasPalette() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
hasTransparentColor() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
height() const override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
hLine(int x, int y, int x2, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
init(SherlockEngine *vm) (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | static |
initPaletteFade(int bytesToRead) (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
isBig5() (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | inlinestatic |
isBlendBlitPixelFormatSupported(const PixelFormat &src, const PixelFormat &dst) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inlinestatic |
isDirty() const | Graphics::Screen | inline |
isModifiedEucCn() (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | inlinestatic |
kChineseHeight (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | static |
kChineseWidth (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | static |
makeAllDirty() | Graphics::Screen | |
makeButton(const Common::Rect &bounds, const Common::Point &textPoint, const Common::String &buttonText, bool textContainsHotkey=true) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
makeButton(const Common::Rect &bounds, int textX, const Common::String &buttonText, bool textContainsHotkey=true) (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
makeField(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
makePanel(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
ManagedSurface() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(const ManagedSurface &surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(ManagedSurface &&surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(int width, int height) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(int width, int height, const Graphics::PixelFormat &pixelFormat) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(ManagedSurface &surf, const Common::Rect &bounds) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(Surface *surf, DisposeAfterUse::Flag disposeAfterUse=DisposeAfterUse::YES) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
ManagedSurface(const Surface *surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
markAllDirty() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
mergeDirtyRects() | Graphics::Screen | protected |
operator const Surface &() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
operator=(const ManagedSurface &surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
operator=(ManagedSurface &&surf) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
pitch | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
print(const Common::Point &pt, uint color, MSVC_PRINTF const char *formatStr,...) GCC_PRINTF(4 | Sherlock::Screen | |
randomTransition() | Sherlock::Screen | |
rawBlitFrom(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &pt) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | |
Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen::rawBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
rawSurface() const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
resetDisplayBounds() | Sherlock::Screen | |
restoreBackground(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Screen | |
rotoscale(const TransformStruct &transform, bool filtering=false) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
scale(int16 newWidth, int16 newHeight, bool filtering=false) const | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
Scalpel3DOScreen(SherlockEngine *vm) (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | |
ScalpelScreen(SherlockEngine *vm) (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | |
Screen(SherlockEngine *vm) (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen | |
Screen() (defined in Graphics::Screen) | Graphics::Screen | |
Screen(int width, int height) (defined in Graphics::Screen) | Graphics::Screen | |
Screen(int width, int height, PixelFormat pixelFormat) (defined in Graphics::Screen) | Graphics::Screen | |
setDisplayBounds(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Screen | |
setFont(int fontNum) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
setPalette(const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) | Graphics::Screen | |
setPalette(const byte *palette, uint start, uint num) | Graphics::Screen | |
setPalette(const Graphics::Palette &pal, uint start=0) | Graphics::Screen | inline |
setPixel(int x, int y, uint32 pixel) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
setPixels(void *newPixels) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
setTransparentColor(uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
setVm(SherlockEngine *vm) | Sherlock::Fonts | static |
SHbitmapBlitFrom(const byte *src, int width, int height, int pitchSrc, const Common::Point &pt, int overrideColor=0) (defined in Sherlock::BaseSurface) | Sherlock::BaseSurface | virtual |
SHblitFrom(const Graphics::Surface &src) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
SHblitFrom(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
SHblitFrom(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Common::Rect &srcBounds) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
SHfillRect(const Common::Rect &r, uint color) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
SHtransBlitFrom(const ImageFrame &src, const Common::Point &pt, bool flipped=false, int overrideColor=0, int scaleVal=SCALE_THRESHOLD) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
SHtransBlitFrom(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &pt, bool flipped=false, int overrideColor=0, int scaleVal=SCALE_THRESHOLD) override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
simpleBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
simpleBlitFromInner(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, const Palette *srcPalette, bool transparentColorSet, uint transparentColor) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | protected |
slamArea(int16 xp, int16 yp, int16 width, int16 height) | Sherlock::Screen | |
slamRect(const Common::Rect &r) | Sherlock::Screen | |
stringHeight(const Common::String &str) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
stringWidth(const Common::String &str) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
surfacePtr() (defined in Graphics::ManagedSurface) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
synchronize(Serializer &s) | Sherlock::Screen | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const ManagedSurface &mask, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const Surface &mask, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, const Palette *srcPalette) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Surface *mask=nullptr, bool maskOnly=false, const Palette *srcPalette=nullptr) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Point &destPos, const ManagedSurface &mask) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Point &destPos, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFrom(const ManagedSurface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor=0, bool flipped=false, uint32 overrideColor=0, uint32 srcAlpha=0xff, const Surface *mask=nullptr, bool maskOnly=false) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
transBlitFromInner(const Surface &src, const Common::Rect &srcRect, const Common::Rect &destRect, uint32 transColor, bool flipped, uint32 overrideColor, uint32 srcAlpha, const Palette *srcPalette, const Palette *dstPalette, const Surface *mask, bool maskOnly) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | protected |
transBlitFromUnscaled(const Graphics::Surface &src, const Common::Point &pt, bool flipped, int overrideColor) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | protectedvirtual |
translatePalette(byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) | Sherlock::Screen | static |
unescape(const Common::String &in) (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | static |
unionRectangle(Common::Rect &destRect, const Common::Rect &src1, const Common::Rect &src2) | Graphics::Screen | protected |
update() | Graphics::Screen | virtual |
updateScreen() | Graphics::Screen | virtual |
verticalTransition() | Sherlock::Screen | |
vgaBar(const Common::Rect &r, int color) | Sherlock::Screen | |
vLine(int x, int y, int y2, uint32 color) | Graphics::ManagedSurface | inline |
w | Graphics::ManagedSurface | |
widestChar() const | Sherlock::Fonts | inline |
width() const override | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | virtual |
wordWrap(const Common::String &str, uint maxWidth, Common::String &rem, uint maxChars=Common::String::npos, uint maxLines=Common::String::npos, bool skipHeadAt=false) (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
wordWrap(const Common::String &str, uint maxWidth, uint maxChars=Common::String::npos, uint maxLines=Common::String::npos, bool skipHeadAt=false) (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | |
writeFancyString(const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, uint overrideColor1, uint overrideColor2) | Sherlock::BaseSurface | |
writeString(const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, uint overrideColor) | Sherlock::Screen | |
writeString(BaseSurface *surface, const Common::String &str, const Common::Point &pt, int overrideColor=0) (defined in Sherlock::Fonts) | Sherlock::Fonts | protectedstatic |
~ManagedSurface() | Graphics::ManagedSurface | virtual |
~Scalpel3DOScreen() override (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::Scalpel3DOScreen | inline |
~ScalpelScreen() override (defined in Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen) | Sherlock::Scalpel::ScalpelScreen | inline |
~Screen() override (defined in Sherlock::Screen) | Sherlock::Screen |