ScummVM API documentation
Mohawk::GraphicsManager Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for Mohawk::GraphicsManager:
Mohawk::CSTimeGraphics Mohawk::LBGraphics Mohawk::MystGraphics Mohawk::RivenGraphics

Public Member Functions

void clearCache ()
MohawkSurfacefindImage (uint16 id)
void preloadImage (uint16 image)
virtual void setPalette (uint16 id)
void copyAnimImageToScreen (uint16 image, int left=0, int top=0)
void copyAnimImageSectionToScreen (uint16 image, Common::Rect src, Common::Rect dest)
void copyAnimSubImageToScreen (uint16 image, uint16 subimage, int left=0, int top=0)
void getSubImageSize (uint16 image, uint16 subimage, uint16 &width, uint16 &height)

Protected Member Functions

void copyAnimImageSectionToScreen (MohawkSurface *image, Common::Rect src, Common::Rect dest)
virtual MohawkSurfacedecodeImage (uint16 id)=0
virtual Common::Array< MohawkSurface * > decodeImages (uint16 id)
virtual MohawkEnginegetVM ()=0
void addImageToCache (uint16 id, MohawkSurface *surface)

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