ScummVM API documentation
EuphonyDriver Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for EuphonyDriver:

Public Member Functions

 EuphonyDriver (Audio::Mixer *mixer, EuphonyPlayer *pl)
bool init ()
void reset ()
int assignPartToChannel (int chan, int part)
void send (uint8 command)
void setTimerA (bool enable, int tempo)
void setTimerB (bool enable, int tempo)
void loadInstrument (int chanType, int id, const uint8 *data)
void setInstrument (int chan, int instrID)
void loadWaveTable (const uint8 *data)
void unloadWaveTable (int id)
void reserveSoundEffectChannels (int num)
void playSoundEffect (int chan, int note, int velo, const uint8 *data)
void stopSoundEffect (int chan)
bool soundEffectIsPlaying (int chan)
void channelPan (int chan, int mode)
void channelPitch (int chan, int pitch)
void channelVolume (int chan, int vol)
void setOutputVolume (int chanType, int volLeft, int volRight)
void cdaToggle (int a)
void setMusicVolume (int volume)
void setSoundEffectVolume (int volume)

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