byte | cgWallExploded |
byte | cgHookPresent |
byte | cgArrowPresent |
byte | cgHammerPresent |
byte | cgSmithyStatus |
byte | cgSmithyGuard |
byte | cgBaileyOneWayGuard |
byte | cgBaileyTwoWayGuards |
byte | cgTapestryFlag |
byte | cgBurnedLetterPresent |
byte | cgGoldCoinsPresent |
byte | cgStorageRoomVisit |
byte | bcTranslateEnabled |
byte | bcCloakingEnabled |
byte | bcLocateEnabled |
byte | myPickedUpCeramicBowl |
byte | myTPCodeWheelStatus |
byte | myTPCodeWheelLeftIndex |
byte | myTPCodeWheelRightIndex |
byte | myMCPickedUpSkull |
byte | myMCDeathGodOfferings |
byte | myWGPlacedRope |
byte | myWGRetrievedJadeBlock |
byte | myWTRetrievedLimestoneBlock |
byte | myWTCurrentBridgeStatus |
byte | myAGRetrievedEntrySkull |
byte | myAGRetrievedSpearSkull |
byte | myAGRetrievedCopperMedal |
byte | myAGRetrievedObsidianBlock |
byte | myAGHeadAStatus |
byte | myAGHeadBStatus |
byte | myAGHeadCStatus |
byte | myAGHeadDStatus |
byte | myAGHeadAStatusSkullID |
byte | myAGHeadBStatusSkullID |
byte | myAGHeadCStatusSkullID |
byte | myAGHeadDStatusSkullID |
byte | myAGTimerHeadID |
uint32 | myAGTimerStartTime |
byte | myDGOfferedHeart |
byte | takenEnvironCart |
byte | alRDTakenLiveCore |
byte | alRDTakenDeadCore |
byte | alNMWrongAlienPrefixCode |
byte | faKIOvenStatus |
byte | faKIPostBoxSlotA |
byte | faKIPostBoxSlotB |
byte | faKIPostBoxSlotC |
byte | faERCurrentCartridge |
byte | faERTakenRemoteControl |
byte | myMCStingerID |
byte | myMCStingerChannelID |
byte | faStingerID |
byte | faStingerChannelID |
uint16 | curItem |
byte | unused0 |
uint32 | cgMWCatapultData |
uint32 | cgMWCatapultOffset |
byte | cgTSTriedDoor |
byte | cgMBCrossedMoat |
byte | cgKSSmithyEntryRead |
byte | cgKSSmithyEntryTranslated |
byte | cgBSFoundMold |
byte | readBurnedLetter |
byte | evcapNumCaptured |
byte | evcapBaseID [12] |
byte | unused1 [3] |
byte | faMNEnvironDoor |
byte | faMNClockClicked |
byte | faMNBooksClicked |
byte | faMNTazClicked |
byte | faMNPongClicked |
byte | faKIBirdsBobbed |
byte | faKICoffeeSpilled |
byte | cgViewedKeepPlans |
byte | cgFoundChestPanel |
byte | cgTRFoundSword |
byte | faHeardAgentFigure |
byte | jumpBCNoInfoMessageCycle |
byte | myTPCalendarTopTranslated |
byte | myTPCalendarListTranslated |
byte | myTPTextTranslated |
byte | myMCTransDoor |
byte | myMCTransAGOffering |
byte | myMCTransWGOffering |
byte | myMCTransWTOffering |
byte | myMCTransDGOffering |
byte | myMCTransMadeAnOffering |
byte | myWGTransDoorTop |
byte | myWGSeenLowerPassage |
byte | myWGCrossedRopeBridge |
byte | myMCViewedDeathGodDoor |
byte | myTPTransBreathOfItzamna |
uint32 | myAGHeadAOpenedTime |
uint32 | myAGHeadBOpenedTime |
uint32 | myAGHeadCOpenedTime |
uint32 | myAGHeadDOpenedTime |
byte | myAGHeadATouched |
byte | myAGHeadBTouched |
byte | myAGHeadCTouched |
byte | myAGHeadDTouched |
byte | lensFilterActivated |
byte | dsPTElevatorPresent |
byte | dsPTElevatorLeverA |
byte | dsPTElevatorLeverB |
byte | dsPTDoorLocked |
byte | dsWSPickedUpWheelAssembly |
byte | dsWSPickedUpGearAssembly |
byte | dsWSPickedUpPegs |
byte | dsWSSiegeCycleStatus |
byte | dsWSGrabbedSiegeCycle |
byte | dsPTUseElevatorControls |
byte | dsPTTransElevatorControls |
byte | dsGDTakenCoilOfRope |
byte | dsCTUnlockedDoor |
byte | dsCTViewedAgent3 |
byte | dsPTViewedAgent3 |
byte | dsCTRetrievedLens |
byte | dsCTTakenHeart |
byte | dsCYFiredCannon |
byte | dsCYBallistaStatus |
byte | dsCYPlacedSiegeCycle |
byte | dsCYBallistaXPos |
byte | dsCYBallistaYPos |
byte | aiHWStingerID |
byte | aiHWStingerChannelID |
byte | aiCRStingerID |
byte | aiCRStingerChannelID |
byte | aiDBStingerID |
byte | aiDBStingerChannelID |
byte | aiCRGrabbedMetalBar |
byte | aiICGrabbedWaterCanister |
byte | aiOxygenTimer |
byte | aiCRPressurized |
byte | aiCRPressurizedAttempted |
byte | aiMRPressurized |
byte | aiIceMined |
byte | aiOxygenReserves |
byte | aiSCHeardInitialSpeech |
byte | aiSCInitialAudioChannel |
byte | aiSCDBDoorWarning |
byte | aiSCMoveCenterWarning |
byte | aiSCConversationStatus |
byte | aiHWIceDoorUnlocked |
byte | aiICWaterInFillHandle |
byte | aiICTakenWaterCanister |
byte | aiSWStingerID |
byte | aiSWStingerChannelID |
byte | aiMRCorrectFreqSet |
byte | aiSCHeardNexusDoorComment |
byte | aiSCHeardNexusDoorCode |
byte | asInitialGuardsPass |
byte | asRBPodAStatus |
byte | asRBPodBStatus |
byte | asRBPodCStatus |
byte | asRBPodDStatus |
byte | asRBPodEStatus |
byte | asRBPodFStatus |
byte | asRBPodATakenEnvironCart |
byte | asRBPodBTakenPuzzleBox |
byte | asRBPodCTakenCodex |
byte | asRBPodDTakenSculpture |
byte | asRBPodETakenSword |
byte | asTakenEvidenceThisTrip |
byte | asDangerDoorASealed |
byte | asDoorBGuardsSeen |
byte | asAmbassadorEncounter |
byte | dsCTTriedLockedDoor |
byte | dsCTCodexTranslateAttempted |
byte | dsCTCodexFormulaeFound |
byte | dsCTCodexAtlanticusPage2 |
byte | dsCTTriedElevatorControls |
byte | aiDBPlayedMomComment |
byte | aiDBPlayedFirstArthur |
byte | aiDBPlayedSecondArthur |
byte | aiDBPlayedThirdArthur |
byte | aiDBPlayedFourthArthur |
byte | aiSCPlayedNoStinger |
byte | faKITakenPostboxItem |
byte | cgMBVisited |
byte | cgKCVisited |
byte | cgTRVisited |
byte | cgKSReadJournal |
byte | cgSRClickedOnLockedChest |
byte | cgSROpenedChest |
byte | dsVisitedCodexTower |
byte | dsPTRaisedPlatform |
byte | dsPTWalkedDownElevator |
byte | dsPTBeenOnBalcony |
byte | dsGDClickedOnCodexDoor |
byte | dsWSSeenCycleSketch |
byte | dsWSSeenBallistaSketch |
byte | genHadSiegeCycle |
byte | genHadDriveAssembly |
byte | genHadWheelAssembly |
byte | dsCYNeverConnectedHook |
byte | dsCYNeverShotBallista |
byte | dsCYNeverUsedCrank |
byte | dsCYNeverOpenedBalconyDoor |
byte | dsCYTranslatedCodex |
byte | dsCYTriedOpeningDoor |
byte | dsCYTriedElevator |
byte | dsCYFoundCodexes |
byte | myVisitedMainCavern |
byte | myVisitedArrowGod |
byte | myVisitedWaterGod |
byte | myVisitedWealthGod |
byte | myVisitedDeathGod |
byte | myVisitedSpecRooms |
byte | myWTSteppedOnSwings |
byte | myWTSteppedOnFarLedge |
byte | myDGOpenedPuzzleBox |
byte | myAGVisitedAltar |
byte | dsCTPlayedBallistaFalling |
byte | cgTSTriedDoorA |
byte | cgTSTriedDoorB |
byte | aiHWLastCommentPlayed |
byte | aiNXPlayedBrainComment |
byte | asRBLastStingerID |
byte | asRBStingerID |
byte | aiICProcessedOxygen |
byte | dsCYWeebleClicked |
byte | aiICUsedMiningControls |
byte | aiSWAttemptedPresMR |
byte | aiICRefilledOxygen |
byte | aiMRUsedHarmonicsInterface |
byte | alRestoreSkipAgent3Initial |
byte | unused2 [38] |
byte | scoreGotTranslateBioChip |
byte | scoreEnteredSpaceStation |
byte | scoreDownloadedArthur |
byte | scoreFoundSculptureDiagram |
byte | scoreEnteredKeep |
byte | scoreGotKeyFromSmithy |
byte | scoreEnteredTreasureRoom |
byte | scoreFoundSwordDiamond |
byte | scoreMadeSiegeCycle |
byte | scoreEnteredCodexTower |
byte | scoreLoggedCodexEvidence |
byte | scoreEnteredMainCavern |
byte | scoreGotWealthGodPiece |
byte | scoreGotRainGodPiece |
byte | scoreGotWarGodPiece |
byte | scoreCompletedDeathGod |
byte | scoreEliminatedAgent3 |
byte | scoreTransportToKrynn |
byte | scoreGotKrynnArtifacts |
byte | scoreDefeatedIcarus |
byte | scoreResearchINNLouvreReport |
byte | scoreResearchINNHighBidder |
byte | scoreResearchINNAppeal |
byte | scoreResearchINNUpdate |
byte | scoreResearchINNJumpsuit |
byte | scoreResearchBCJumpsuit |
byte | scoreResearchMichelle |
byte | scoreResearchMichelleBkg |
byte | scoreResearchLensFilter |
byte | scoreResearchCastleFootprint |
byte | scoreResearchDaVinciFootprint |
byte | scoreResearchMorphSculpture |
byte | scoreResearchEnvironCart |
byte | scoreResearchAgent3Note |
byte | scoreResearchAgent3DaVinci |
uint16 | scoreHintsTotal |
byte | unused3 [53] |
byte | genJumpCastleBriefing |
byte | genJumpMayanBriefing |
byte | genJumpDaVinciBriefing |
byte | genJumpStationBriefing |
byte | unused4 [106] |
byte | generalWalkthroughMode |
byte | unused5 [11] |
byte | aiData [512] |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: