ScummVM API documentation
Pegasus::RobotShip Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Pegasus::RobotShip:

Public Member Functions

void initRobotShip ()
void cleanUpRobotShip ()
void startMoving ()
void killRobotShip ()
bool pointInShuttle (Common::Point &)
void hitByEnergyBeam (Common::Point impactPoint)
void hitByGravitonCannon (Common::Point impactPoint)
void getShuttleBounds (Common::Rect &r)
void setGlowing (const bool glowing)
void snareByTractorBeam ()
bool isSnared ()
bool isDead ()
void setUpNextDropTime ()

Protected Member Functions

void newDestination ()
void moveRobotTo (CoordType, CoordType)
void timeToDropJunk ()
void timeChanged (const TimeValue) override
void makeVelocityVector (CoordType, CoordType, CoordType, CoordType, Common::Point &)

Protected Attributes

GlowingMovie _spritesMovie
Common::Rect _shipRange
int _shipWidth
int _shipHeight
Common::Point _p1
Common::Point _p4
Common::Point _r1
Common::Point _r4
Common::Point _currentLocation
FuseFunction _dropJunkFuse
TimeValue _duration
bool _snaring
bool _dead

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