ScummVM API documentation
Bagel::CBofWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Bagel::CBofWindow:
Bagel::CLList Bagel::CBofObject Bagel::CBofError Bagel::CBagMasterWin Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd Bagel::CBofBmpButton Bagel::CBofButton Bagel::CBofDialog Bagel::CBofEditText Bagel::CBofListBox Bagel::CBofScrollBar

Public Member Functions

 CBofWindow ()
 CBofWindow (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent)
virtual ~CBofWindow ()
virtual ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0)
virtual ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, CBofRect *pRect, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0)
virtual void destroy ()
virtual void destroyWindow ()
void show ()
void select ()
void hide ()
void center ()
void move (int x, int y, bool bRepaint=false)
void reSize (CBofRect *pRect, bool bRepaint=false)
virtual ErrorCode close ()
void postMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
void postUserMessage (uint32 lMessage, uint32 lExtraInfo)
void setTimer (uint32 nID, uint32 nInterval, BofCallback pCallBack=nullptr)
void killTimer (uint32 nID)
void killMyTimers ()
CBofWindowgetParent () const
void validateAnscestors (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr)
void setActive ()
CBofRect getWindowRect () const
CBofRect getClientRect ()
CBofRect getRect () const
int width () const
int height () const
void screenToClient (CBofPoint *pPoint)
void selectPalette (CBofPalette *pPal)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (CBofBitmap *pNewBitmap, bool bRefresh=false)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (const char *pszFileName, bool bRefresh=false)
void clearBackdrop ()
CBofBitmapgetBackdrop () const
bool hasBackdrop () const
void killBackdrop ()
ErrorCode paintBackdrop (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr, int nTransparentColor=-1)
void setControlID (uint32 nID)
uint32 getControlID () const
void setBkColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getBkColor () const
void setFgColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getFgColor () const
void setPrevMouseDown (CBofPoint p)
CBofPoint getPrevMouseDown () const
void setCapture ()
void releaseCapture ()
bool hasCapture () const
void setFocus ()
void releaseFocus ()
bool hasFocus () const
void flushAllMessages ()
void validateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
void invalidateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
virtual void onBofButton (CBofObject *pButton, int nExtraInfo)
virtual void onBofScrollBar (CBofObject *pButton, int nNewPos)
virtual void onBofListBox (CBofObject *pListBox, int nItemIndex)
virtual void onMainLoop ()
virtual void onSoundNotify (CBofObject *pObject, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMovieNotify (uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMCINotify (uint32 wParam, uint32 lParam)
virtual void onTimer (uint32 nTimerId)
virtual void handleEvent (const Common::Event &event)
Graphics::ManagedSurfacegetSurface ()
bool isCreated () const
virtual void enable ()
virtual void disable ()
bool isVisible () const
bool isEnabled () const
void updateWindow ()
void setParent (CBofWindow *parent)
void handleEvents ()
virtual void onKeyHit (uint32 lKey, uint32 lRepCount)
void fillWindow (byte iColor)
void fillRect (CBofRect *pRect, byte iColor)
ErrorCode paintBeveledText (CBofRect *rect, const CBofString &string, int size, int weight, RGBCOLOR color, int justify, uint32 format)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CLList
 CLList ()
 CLList (void *pObj)
virtual ~CLList ()
void Insert (CLList *pNewList)
void Delete ()
void addToHead (CLList *pNewList)
void addToTail (CLList *pNewList)
void MoveToHead ()
void MoveToTail ()
void MoveLeft ()
void MoveRight ()
CLListgetHead ()
CLListgetTail ()
CLListgetPrev () const
CLListgetNext () const
void * getData () const
void PutData (void *pObj)
void FlushList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
void reportError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
bool errorOccurred () const
ErrorCode getErrorCode () const
void clearError ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ErrorCode initialize ()
static ErrorCode shutdown ()
static Common::Point getMousePos ()
static CBofWindowgetActiveWindow ()
static CBofWindowgetWindowList ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofObject
static bool isValidObject (const CBofObject *pObject)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static void fatalError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
static void initialize ()
static int getErrorCount ()

Protected Member Functions

void checkTimers ()
virtual void onMouseMove (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint, void *=nullptr)
virtual void onLButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint, void *=nullptr)
virtual void onLButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint, void *=nullptr)
virtual void onLButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onReSize (CBofSize *pSize)
virtual void onPaint (CBofRect *pRect)
virtual void onClose ()
virtual void onUserMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam)
virtual void onActivate ()
virtual void onDeActivate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
virtual void bofMessageBox (const Common::String &content, const Common::String &title)

Protected Attributes

CBofWindow_parent = nullptr
Array< CBofWindow * > _children
char _szTitle [64] = { 0 }
CBofRect _cWindowRect
CBofRect _cRect
CBofBitmap_pBackdrop = nullptr
uint32 _nID = 0
RGBCOLOR _cBkColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
RGBCOLOR _cFgColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
bool _bCaptured = false
Graphics::ManagedSurface_surface = nullptr
CBofPoint _cPrevMouseDown
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CLList
void * _pData
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
ErrorCode _errCode

Static Protected Attributes

static CBofWindow_pWindowList
static CBofWindow_pActiveWindow
static CBofTimerPacket_pTimerList
static int _mouseX
static int _mouseY
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static int _count

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CBofWindow() [1/2]

Bagel::CBofWindow::CBofWindow ( )

Default constructor

◆ CBofWindow() [2/2]

Bagel::CBofWindow::CBofWindow ( const char *  pszName,
int  x,
int  y,
int  nWidth,
int  nHeight,
CBofWindow pParent 

Constructor for CBofWindow

pszNameName of window
xX position
yY position
nWidthWidth of window to create (optional)
nHeightHeight of window to create (optional)
pParentParent of this window (optional)

◆ ~CBofWindow()

virtual Bagel::CBofWindow::~CBofWindow ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ checkTimers()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::checkTimers ( )

Checks window timers for expiry

◆ create() [1/2]

virtual ErrorCode Bagel::CBofWindow::create ( const char *  pszName,
int  x,
int  y,
int  nWidth,
int  nHeight,
CBofWindow pParent,
uint32  nControlID = 0 

Creates a window

pszNameName of window
xX position of upper-left corner
yY position of upper-left corner
nWidthWidth of window to create (optional)
nHeightHeight of window to create (optional)
pParentParent of this window (optional)
nControlIDUser defined ID of this window
Error return code

Reimplemented in Bagel::CBofDialog, and Bagel::CBofEditText.

◆ create() [2/2]

virtual ErrorCode Bagel::CBofWindow::create ( const char *  pszName,
CBofRect pRect,
CBofWindow pParent,
uint32  nControlID = 0 

Creates a window

pszNameName of window
pRectRectangle for window placement
pParentParent of this window (optional)
nControlIDUser defined ID of this window
Error return code

Reimplemented in Bagel::CBagStorageDevDlg, Bagel::CBofDialog, and Bagel::CBofEditText.

◆ destroy()

virtual void Bagel::CBofWindow::destroy ( )

Destroys the Window attached to this CBofWindow (if any)

◆ show()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::show ( )

Shows current window (if hidden)

◆ hide()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::hide ( )

Hides current window (if shown)

◆ center()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::center ( )

Centers current window in parent window or in screen

◆ move()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::move ( int  x,
int  y,
bool  bRepaint = false 

Moves current window to specified location in parent

xNew upper left corner X position
yNew upper left corner Y position
bRepainttrue if should update the window

◆ reSize()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::reSize ( CBofRect pRect,
bool  bRepaint = false 

Resizes current window to specified area

pRectNew area for window
bRepaintOptional repaint after resize

◆ postMessage()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::postMessage ( uint32  nMessage,
uint32  lParam1,
uint32  lParam2 

Posts a message

nMessageMessage to post
lParam1User info
lParam2More user info

◆ postUserMessage()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::postUserMessage ( uint32  lMessage,
uint32  lExtraInfo 

Posts a user defined message

◆ setTimer()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::setTimer ( uint32  nID,
uint32  nInterval,
BofCallback  pCallBack = nullptr 

Sets a timer which calls specified callback (or onTimer)

nIDID of timer to set
nIntervalNumber of milliseconds till event
pCallBackFunction to call when time is up

◆ killTimer()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::killTimer ( uint32  nID)

Stops specified timer

nIDID of timer to stop

◆ killMyTimers()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::killMyTimers ( )

Stops all timers associated with current window

◆ getParent()

CBofWindow* Bagel::CBofWindow::getParent ( ) const

Returns the parent window element, if any

◆ validateAnscestors()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::validateAnscestors ( CBofRect pRect = nullptr)

Causes all parent windows to have valid paint regions

pRectArea to validate

◆ selectPalette()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::selectPalette ( CBofPalette pPal)

Selects and Realizes specified palette into current DC

pPalPalette to select

◆ setBackdrop() [1/2]

ErrorCode Bagel::CBofWindow::setBackdrop ( CBofBitmap pNewBitmap,
bool  bRefresh = false 

Associates a new background bitmap to this window

pNewBitmapNew background bitmap
bRefreshtrue if should repaint now
Error return code

◆ setBackdrop() [2/2]

ErrorCode Bagel::CBofWindow::setBackdrop ( const char *  pszFileName,
bool  bRefresh = false 

Associates a new background bitmap to this window

pszFileNamenew background bitmap from file
bRefreshtrue if should repaint now
Error return code

◆ killBackdrop()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::killBackdrop ( )

Deletes the background bitmap associated with this window

◆ paintBackdrop()

ErrorCode Bagel::CBofWindow::paintBackdrop ( CBofRect pRect = nullptr,
int  nTransparentColor = -1 

Updates the specified section of the background bitmap

pRectArea of bitmap to update on screen
nTransparentColorColor index used for transparency (-1 = none)
Error return code

◆ setCapture()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::setCapture ( )

Sets mouse capture for this window

◆ releaseCapture()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::releaseCapture ( )

Release mouse capture for this window

◆ hasCapture()

bool Bagel::CBofWindow::hasCapture ( ) const

Returns true if the control is capturing mouse events

◆ setFocus()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::setFocus ( )

Sets the focus on a control for keyboard input

◆ releaseFocus()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::releaseFocus ( )

Releases focus from an edit control

◆ hasFocus()

bool Bagel::CBofWindow::hasFocus ( ) const

Returns true if the control has focus

◆ validateRect()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::validateRect ( const CBofRect pRect)

Adds specified rectangle to dirty rect list for this window

pRectRectangle to add to dirty list

◆ invalidateRect()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::invalidateRect ( const CBofRect pRect)

Removes specified rectangle from dirty rect for this window

pRectRectangle to remove from dirty list

◆ handleEvent()

virtual void Bagel::CBofWindow::handleEvent ( const Common::Event event)

Handles a pending ScummVM event

eventEvent to process

◆ handleEvents()

void Bagel::CBofWindow::handleEvents ( )

Handle all pending ScummVM events

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