ScummVM API documentation
Gob::Game Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Game (GobEngine *vm)
void prepareStart ()
void playTot (int16 function)
void capturePush (int16 left, int16 top, int16 width, int16 height)
void capturePop (char doDraw)
void freeSoundSlot (int16 slot)
void wantScroll (int16 x, int16 y)
void evaluateScroll ()
int16 checkKeys (int16 *pMousex=0, int16 *pMouseY=0, MouseButtons *pButtons=0, char handleMouse=0)
void start ()
void totSub (int8 flags, const Common::String &totFile)
void switchTotSub (int16 index, int16 function)
void deletedVars (Variables *variables)
bool loadFunctions (const Common::String &tot, uint16 flags)
bool callFunction (const Common::String &tot, const Common::String &function, int16 param)

Public Attributes

Common::String _curTotFile
Common::String _totToLoad
int32 _startTimeKey
MouseButtons _mouseButtons
bool _noScroll
bool _preventScroll
bool _wantScroll
int16 _wantScrollX
int16 _wantScrollY
byte _handleMouse
char _forceHandleMouse

Protected Member Functions

void clearUnusedEnvironment ()

Protected Attributes

char _tempStr [256]
Common::Rect _captureStack [20]
int16 _captureCount
int8 _curEnvironment
int8 _numEnvironments
Environments _environments
TotFunctions _totFunctions

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