void | release () |
void | reinit () |
void | setLinearFilter (bool value) |
virtual void | allocBuffer (GLuint w, GLuint h) |
virtual void | updateBuffer (GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint width, GLuint height, const void *buf, int pitch_buf)=0 |
virtual void | fillBuffer (uint32 color)=0 |
void | drawTexture (GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort w, GLshort h) |
void | drawTexture (GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort w, GLshort h, const Common::Rect &clip) |
void | setDrawRect (const Common::Rect &rect) |
void | setDrawRect (int16 w, int16 h) |
void | setDrawRect (int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2) |
const Common::Rect & | getDrawRect () const |
void | drawTextureRect () |
void | drawTextureOrigin () |
GLuint | width () const |
GLuint | height () const |
GLuint | texWidth () const |
GLuint | texHeight () const |
uint16 | pitch () const |
bool | isEmpty () const |
const Graphics::Surface * | surface_const () const |
Graphics::Surface * | surface () |
virtual void | setPalette (const byte *colors, uint start, uint num)=0 |
virtual void | setKeycolor (byte color)=0 |
virtual void | grabPalette (byte *colors, uint start, uint num) const =0 |
bool | hasPalette () const |
bool | dirty () const |
virtual const Graphics::PixelFormat & | getPixelFormat () const |
const Graphics::PixelFormat & | getPalettePixelFormat () const |
GLuint | getTextureName () const |
GLenum | getTextureFormat () const |
GLenum | getTextureType () const |
void | setGameTexture () |
void | setAlpha (float alpha) |
static void | initGL () |
static void | unbindShader () |
| GLESBaseTexture (GLenum glFormat, GLenum glType, Graphics::PixelFormat pixelFormat) |
void | initSize () |
virtual void * | prepareTextureBuffer (const Common::Rect &rect)=0 |
void | setDirty () |
void | clearDirty () |
void | setDirtyRect (const Common::Rect &r) |
static bool | _npot_supported |
static OpenGL::Shader * | _box_shader |
static GLuint | _verticesVBO |
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