ScummVM API documentation
Nancy::State::Scene::SceneSummary Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

void read (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream)
void readTerse (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream)

Public Attributes

Common::String description
Common::Path videoFile
uint16 videoFormat = kLargeVideoFormat
Common::Array< Common::Pathpalettes
SoundDescription sound
byte panningType = kPan360
uint16 numberOfVideoFrames = 0
uint16 degreesPerRotation = 18
uint16 totalViewAngle = 0
uint16 horizontalScrollDelta = 1
uint16 verticalScrollDelta = 10
uint16 horizontalEdgeSize = 15
uint16 verticalEdgeSize = 15
Time slowMoveTimeDelta = 400
Time fastMoveTimeDelta = 66
Math::Vector3d listenerPosition

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