ScummVM API documentation
Nancy Namespace Reference


struct  AssemblyPuzzleData
class  AVFDecoder
struct  BSUM
class  CifFile
struct  CifInfo
class  CifTree
struct  CLOK
struct  ConditionalDialogue
struct  CRED
class  CursorManager
struct  CVTX
class  Decompressor
class  DeferredLoader
struct  EngineData
struct  FlagDescription
class  Font
struct  FrameBlitDescription
struct  Goodbye
struct  GoodbyeSceneChange
class  GraphicsManager
struct  HELP
struct  Hint
struct  HINT
struct  HotspotDescription
class  IFF
struct  ImageChunk
class  InputManager
struct  INV
struct  JournalData
struct  LOAD
struct  LOAD_v2
struct  MAP
struct  MARK
struct  MENU
struct  MultiEventFlagDescription
class  NancyConsole
class  NancyEngine
struct  NancyGameDescription
struct  NancyInput
class  PatchTree
struct  PCAL
struct  PuzzleData
struct  RCLB
struct  RCPR
class  RenderObject
class  ResourceManager
struct  RiddlePuzzleData
struct  RippedLetterPuzzleData
struct  SceneChangeDescription
struct  SceneChangeWithFlag
struct  SDLG
struct  SecondaryVideoDescription
struct  SET
struct  SimplePuzzleData
struct  SliderPuzzleData
struct  SoundChannelInfo
struct  SoundDescription
struct  SoundEffectDescription
struct  SoundEqualizerPuzzleData
class  SoundManager
struct  SPEC
struct  SPUZ
struct  StaticData
struct  StaticDataFlag
struct  TABL
struct  TableData
struct  TBOX
struct  Time
struct  TowerPuzzleData
struct  VIEW


enum  MovementDirection : byte {
  kUp = 1, kDown = 2, kLeft = 4, kRight = 8,
  kMoveFast = 16
enum  StaticDataConditionType { kEvent = 0, kInventory = 1, kDifficulty = 2 }
enum  GameType {
  kGameTypeNone = 0, kGameTypeVampire = 1, kGameTypeNancy1 = 2, kGameTypeNancy2 = 3,
  kGameTypeNancy3 = 4, kGameTypeNancy4 = 5, kGameTypeNancy5 = 6, kGameTypeNancy6 = 7,
  kGameTypeNancy7 = 8, kGameTypeNancy8 = 9, kGameTypeNancy9 = 10, kGameTypeNancy10 = 11,
  kGameTypeNancy11 = 12
enum  NancyGameFlags { GF_COMPRESSED = 1 << 0 }
enum  NancyDebugChannels {
  kDebugEngine = 1 << 0, kDebugActionRecord = 1 << 1, kDebugScene = 1 << 2, kDebugSound = 1 << 3,
  kDebugVideo = 1 << 4, kDebugHypertext = 1 << 5


PuzzleDatamakePuzzleData (const uint32 tag)
void readRect (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Rect &inRect)
void readRect (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Rect &inRect, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readRectArray (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Array< Common::Rect > &inArray, uint num, uint totalNum=0)
void readRectArray (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Array< Common::Rect > &inArray, uint num, uint totalNum=0, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readRect16 (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Rect &inRect)
void readRect16 (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Rect &inRect, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readRectArray16 (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Array< Common::Rect > &inArray, uint num, uint totalNum=0)
void readRectArray16 (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Array< Common::Rect > &inArray, uint num, uint totalNum=0, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readFilename (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::String &inString)
void readFilename (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::String &inString, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readFilename (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Path &inPath)
void readFilename (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Path &inPath, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readFilenameArray (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Array< Common::String > &inArray, uint num)
void readFilenameArray (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Array< Common::String > &inArray, uint num, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void readFilenameArray (Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, Common::Array< Common::Path > &inArray, uint num)
void readFilenameArray (Common::Serializer &stream, Common::Array< Common::Path > &inArray, uint num, Common::Serializer::Version minVersion=0, Common::Serializer::Version maxVersion=Common::Serializer::kLastVersion)
void assembleTextLine (char *rawCaption, Common::String &output, uint size)



Detailed Description

This is the namespace of the Nancy engine.

Status of this engine: The Vampire Diaries and all Nancy Drew games up to and including Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake are fully completable. Every other game is untested but definitely unplayable.

Games using this engine:

  • The Vampire Diaries (1996)
  • Almost every mainline Nancy Drew game by HeR Interactive, beginnning with Nancy Drew: Secrets can Kill (1998) up to and including Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness (2015)