ScummVM API documentation
asCGarbageCollector Class Reference


struct  asSIntTypePair
struct  asSObjTypePair

Public Member Functions

int GarbageCollect (asDWORD flags, asUINT iterations)
void GetStatistics (asUINT *currentSize, asUINT *totalDestroyed, asUINT *totalDetected, asUINT *newObjects, asUINT *totalNewDestroyed) const
void GCEnumCallback (void *reference)
int AddScriptObjectToGC (void *obj, asCObjectType *objType)
int GetObjectInGC (asUINT idx, asUINT *seqNbr, void **obj, asITypeInfo **type)
int ReportAndReleaseUndestroyedObjects ()

Public Attributes

asCIRCULARREFFUNC_t circularRefDetectCallbackFunc
void * circularRefDetectCallbackParam

Protected Types

enum  egcDestroyState { destroyGarbage_init = 0, destroyGarbage_loop, destroyGarbage_haveMore }
enum  egcDetectState {
  clearCounters_init = 0, clearCounters_loop, buildMap_init, buildMap_loop,
  countReferences_init, countReferences_loop, detectGarbage_init, detectGarbage_loop1,
  detectGarbage_loop2, verifyUnmarked_init, verifyUnmarked_loop, breakCircles_init,
  breakCircles_loop, breakCircles_haveGarbage
typedef asSMapNode< void *, asSIntTypePairasSMapNode_t

Protected Member Functions

int DestroyNewGarbage ()
int DestroyOldGarbage ()
int IdentifyGarbageWithCyclicRefs ()
asSObjTypePair GetNewObjectAtIdx (int idx)
asSObjTypePair GetOldObjectAtIdx (int idx)
void RemoveNewObjectAtIdx (int idx)
void RemoveOldObjectAtIdx (int idx)
void MoveObjectToOldList (int idx)
void MoveAllObjectsToOldList ()
asSMapNode_tGetNode (void *obj, asSIntTypePair it)
void ReturnNode (asSMapNode_t *node)

Protected Attributes

asCArray< asSObjTypePairgcNewObjects
asCArray< asSObjTypePairgcOldObjects
asCArray< void * > liveObjects
asCMap< void *, asSIntTypePairgcMap
egcDestroyState destroyNewState
egcDestroyState destroyOldState
asUINT destroyNewIdx
asUINT destroyOldIdx
asUINT numDestroyed
asUINT numNewDestroyed
egcDetectState detectState
asUINT detectIdx
asUINT numDetected
asUINT numAdded
asUINT seqAtSweepStart [3]
bool isProcessing
asCArray< asSMapNode_t * > freeNodes

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