ScummVM API documentation
Tucker Namespace Reference


struct  Action
class  AnimationSequencePlayer
struct  CharPos
struct  Charset
class  CompressedSound
struct  Data
class  Graphics
struct  LocationAnimation
struct  LocationMusic
struct  LocationObject
struct  LocationSound
struct  SoundSequenceData
struct  SoundSequenceDataList
struct  Sprite
struct  SpriteAnimation
struct  SpriteFrame
class  TuckerConsole
class  TuckerEngine


enum  GameFlag { kGameFlagDemo = 1 << 0, kGameFlagEncodedData = 1 << 1, kGameFlagNoSubtitles = 1 << 2, kGameFlagIntroOnly = 1 << 3 }
enum  CharsetType { kCharsetTypeDefault, kCharsetTypeEng, kCharsetTypeCredits }
enum  CursorStyle {
  kCursorNormal = 0, kCursorTalk = 1, kCursorArrowRight = 2, kCursorArrowUp = 3,
  kCursorArrowLeft = 4, kCursorArrowDown = 5, kCursorMap = 6
enum  CursorState { kCursorStateNormal = 0, kCursorStateDialog = 1, kCursorStateDisabledHidden = 2 }
enum  PanelState { kPanelStateNormal = 0, kPanelStateShrinking = 1, kPanelStateExpanding = 2 }
enum  PanelStyle { kPanelStyleVerbs = 0, kPanelStyleIcons = 1 }
enum  PanelType { kPanelTypeNormal = 0, kPanelTypeEmpty = 1, kPanelTypeLoadSavePlayQuit = 2, kPanelTypeLoadSaveSavegame = 3 }
enum  Verb {
  kVerbWalk = 0, kVerbLook = 1, kVerbTalk = 2, kVerbOpen = 3,
  kVerbClose = 4, kVerbGive = 5, kVerbTake = 6, kVerbMove = 7,
  kVerbUse = 8, kVerbFirst = kVerbWalk, kVerbLast = kVerbUse
enum  VerbPreposition { kVerbPrepositionNone = 0, kVerbPrepositionWith = 11, kVerbPrepositionTo = 12 }
enum  Part { kPartInit = 0, kPartOne = 1, kPartTwo = 2, kPartThree = 3 }
enum  Location {
  kLocationNone = 0, kLocationHotelRoom = 1, kLocationBackAlley = 2, kLocationSeedyStreet = 3,
  kLocationBakersShop = 4, kLocationBakersKitchen = 5, kLocationStripJoint = 6, kLocationPoliceHQ = 7,
  kLocationPoliceCell = 8, kLocationMall = 9, kLocationFishShop = 10, kLocationBurgerJoint = 11,
  kLocationRecordShop = 12, kLocationDentist = 13, kLocationPlugShop = 14, kLocationTouristInfo = 15,
  kLocationPark = 16, kLocationRoystonsHomeHallway = 17, kLocationRoystonsHomeBoxroom = 18, kLocationDocks = 19,
  kLocationOutsideMuseum = 20, kLocationInsideMuseum = 21, kLocationFishingTrawler = 22, kLocationWarehouseCutscene = 23,
  kLocationStoreRoom = 24, kLocationVentSystem = 25, kLocationSubwayTunnel = 26, kLocationStrangeRoom = 27,
  kLocationTopCorridor = 28, kLocationSubmarineHangar = 29, kLocationBunkRoom = 30, kLocationBottomCorridor = 31,
  kLocationKitchen = 32, kLocationCommandCentre = 33, kLocationSubmarineHatch = 34, kLocationSubmarineWalkway = 35,
  kLocationSubmarineBridge = 36, kLocationSubmarineOffice = 37, kLocationSubmarineEngineRoom = 38, kLocationLuxuryApartment = 39,
  kLocationFarDocks = 40, kLocationAlleyway = 41, kLocationBasement = 42, kLocationTateTowerEntrance = 43,
  kLocationRooftop = 44, kLocationConferenceRoom = 45, kLocationAnteChamber = 46, kLocationHelipad = 47,
  kLocationCorridor = 48, kLocationWaitingRoom = 49, kLocationkLocationCorridorCutscene = 50, kLocationCells = 51,
  kLocationMachineRoom = 52, kLocationRecordShopPartThree = 53, kLocationPlugShopPartThree = 54, kLocationTouristInfoPartThree = 55,
  kLocationDentistPartThree = 56, kLocationFishShopPartThree = 57, kLocationInsideMuseumPartThree = 58, kLocationBakersShopPartThree = 59,
  kLocationStripJointPartThree = 60, kLocationParkPartThree = 61, kLocationDocksPartThree = 62, kLocationTV = 63,
  kLocationSewer = 64, kLocationSeedyStreetPartThree = 65, kLocationMallPartThree = 66, kLocationBurgerJointPartThree = 67,
  kLocationOutsideMuseumPartThree = 68, kLocation69Cutscene = 69, kLocationComputerScreen = 70, kLocationParkCutscene = 71,
  kLocationSeedyStreetCutscene = 72, kLocationJesusCutscene1 = 73, kLocationCredits = 74, kLocation75Cutscene = 75,
  kLocationBeachCutscene = 76, kLocationHospitalCutscene = 77, kLocation78Cutscene = 78, kLocationElvisCutscene = 79,
  kLocationPyramidCutscene = 80, kLocationCleopatraCutscene = 81, kLocationJesusCutscene2 = 82, kLocationNewPart = 98,
  kLocationMap = 99, kLocationInit = 1, kLocationInitDemo = 9
enum  {
  kScreenWidth = 320, kScreenHeight = 200, kScreenPitch = 640, kFadePaletteStep = 5,
  kDefaultCharSpeechSoundCounter = 1, kMaxSoundVolume = 127, kLastSaveSlot = 99, kAutoSaveSlot = kLastSaveSlot
enum  InputKey {
  kInputKeyPause = 0, kInputKeyEscape, kInputKeyTogglePanelStyle, kInputKeyToggleTextSpeech,
  kInputKeyHelp, kInputKeySkipSpeech, kInputKeyCount
enum  CompressedSoundType { kSoundTypeFx, kSoundTypeMusic, kSoundTypeSpeech, kSoundTypeIntro }
enum  { kFirstAnimationSequenceGame = 17, kFirstAnimationSequenceDemo = 13 }
enum  AnimationSoundType { kAnimationSoundType8BitsRAW, kAnimationSoundType16BitsRAW, kAnimationSoundTypeWAV }
enum  {
  kSoundsList_Seq3_4, kSoundsList_Seq9_10, kSoundsList_Seq21_20, kSoundsList_Seq13_14,
  kSoundsList_Seq15_16, kSoundsList_Seq27_28, kSoundsList_Seq17_18, kSoundsList_Seq19_20


int scaleMixerVolume (int volume, int max=100)
Common::String generateGameStateFileName (const char *target, int slot, bool prefixOnly=false)

Detailed Description

This is the namespace of the Tucker engine.

Status of this engine: Complete

Games using this engine:

  • Bud Tucker in Double Trouble