ScummVM API documentation
Tucker::Graphics Class Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static int encodeRLE (const uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int w, int h)
static int encodeRAW (const uint8 *src, uint8 *dst, int w, int h)
static void decodeRLE (uint8 *dst, const uint8 *src, int w, int h)
static void decodeRLE_224 (uint8 *dst, const uint8 *src, int w, int h)
static void decodeRLE_248 (uint8 *dst, const uint8 *src, int w, int h, int y1, int y2, bool xflip, const int *whitelistReservedColors=nullptr)
static void decodeRLE_320 (uint8 *dst, const uint8 *src, int w, int h)
static void copyRect (uint8 *dst, int dstPitch, uint8 *src, int srcPitch, int w, int h)
static void drawStringChar (uint8 *dst, int xDst, int yDst, int pitch, uint8 chr, uint8 chrColor, const uint8 *src)
static void setCharset (CharsetType type)

Static Public Attributes

static Charset _charset
static CharsetType _charsetType

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