ScummVM API documentation
Scumm::Lobby Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Lobby (ScummEngine_v90he *vm)
void doNetworkOnceAFrame ()
void send (Common::JSONObject &data)
int32 dispatch (int op, int numArgs, int32 *args)

Public Attributes

int _sessionId

Protected Member Functions

void writeStringArray (int array, Common::String string)
void runRemoteStartScript (int *args)
void systemAlert (int type, Common::String message)
void receiveData ()
void processLine (Common::String line)
void handleHeartbeat ()
void openUrl (const char *url)
bool connect ()
void disconnect (bool lost=false)
void login (const char *userName, const char *password)
void handleLoginResp (int errorCode, int userId, Common::String sessionServer, Common::String response)
void getUserProfile (int userId)
void handleProfileInfo (Common::JSONArray profile)
void handleTeams (Common::JSONArray userTeam, Common::JSONArray opponentTeam, int error, Common::String message)
void downloadFile (const char *downloadPath, const char *filename)
void handleFileData (Common::String filename, Common::String data)
void setIcon (int icon)
void setPollAnswer (int pollAnswer)
void sendGameResults (int userId, int arrayIndex, int lastFlag)
void getPopulation (int areaId, int unknown)
void handlePopulation (int areaId, int population)
void locatePlayer (int userNameArray)
void handleLocateResp (int code, int areaId, Common::String area)
void enterArea (int32 areaId)
void leaveArea ()
void getPlayersList (int start, int end)
bool _checkPlayersLists (Common::JSONArray other)
void handlePlayersList (Common::JSONArray playersList)
void getPlayerInfo (int32 idx)
void handleGamesPlaying (int games)
void setPhoneStatus (int status)
void sendBusy (int playerId)
void handleReceiverBusy ()
void pingPlayer (int playerId)
void handlePingResult (int ping)
void challengePlayer (int32 playerId, int32 stadium)
void handleReceiveChallenge (int playerId, int stadium, Common::String name)
void challengeTimeout (int playerId)
int32 answerPhone (int playerId)
void handleConsideringChallenge ()
void counterChallenge (int stadium)
void handleCounterChallenge (int stadium)
void declineChallenge (int playerId)
void handleDeclineChallenge (int notResponding)
void acceptChallenge (int playerId)
void handleAcceptChallenge ()
void startHostingGame (int playerId)
void handleGameSession (int sessionId)
void gameStarted (int hoster, int player, int playerNameArray)
void gameFinished ()

Protected Attributes

ScummEngine_v90he * _vm
Common::String _gameName
Common::String _buffer
Common::JSONArray _playersList
int _userId
Common::String _userName
int _playerId
int _areaIdForPopulation
bool _inArea
int _gamesPlaying
bool _inGame

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