ScummVM API documentation
Crab::pyrodactyl::anim::FightMoves Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void reset ()
void load (rapidxml::xml_node< char > *node)
bool curMove (FightMove &fm)
bool nextMove (FightMove &fm)
FrameUpdateResult updateFrame (const Direction &d)
bool curFrame (FightAnimFrame &faf, const Direction &d)
uint findMove (const pyrodactyl::input::FightAnimationType &type, const int &state)
void listAttackMoves (Common::Array< uint > &list)
bool forceUpdate (const uint &index, pyrodactyl::input::FightInput &input, const Direction &d)
bool lastFrame ()
void frameIndex (uint val)
void curCombo (pyrodactyl::input::FightInput &input)
bool validMove ()
bool empty ()
bool flip (TextureFlipType &flip, Direction d)
const ShadowOffsetshadow (Direction d)
void next (int val)
int next ()
void evaluate (pyrodactyl::event::Info &info)

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