ScummVM API documentation
MTropolis::Runtime Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Runtime (OSystem *system, Audio::Mixer *mixer, ISaveUIProvider *saveProvider, ILoadUIProvider *loadProvider, const Common::SharedPtr< SubtitleRenderer > &subRenderer)
bool runFrame ()
void drawFrame ()
void queueProject (const Common::SharedPtr< ProjectDescription > &desc)
void closeProject ()
void addVolume (int volumeID, const char *name, bool isMounted)
bool getVolumeState (const Common::String &name, int &outVolumeID, bool &outIsMounted) const
void addSceneStateTransition (const HighLevelSceneTransition &transition)
void setSceneTransitionEffect (bool isInDestinationScene, SceneTransitionEffect *effect)
ProjectgetProject () const
void postConsumeMessageTask (IMessageConsumer *msgConsumer, const Common::SharedPtr< MessageProperties > &msg)
void postConsumeCommandTask (Structural *structural, const Common::SharedPtr< MessageProperties > &msg)
uint32 allocateRuntimeGUID ()
void addWindow (const Common::SharedPtr< Window > &window)
void removeWindow (Window *window)
void setupDisplayMode (ColorDepthMode displayMode, const Graphics::PixelFormat &pixelFormat)
bool isDisplayModeSupported (ColorDepthMode displayMode) const
bool switchDisplayMode (ColorDepthMode realDisplayMode, ColorDepthMode fakeDisplayMode)
void setDisplayResolution (uint16 width, uint16 height)
void getDisplayResolution (uint16 &outWidth, uint16 &outHeight) const
ColorDepthMode getRealColorDepth () const
ColorDepthMode getFakeColorDepth () const
const Graphics::PixelFormatgetRenderPixelFormat () const
const Common::SharedPtr< Graphics::MacFontManager > & getMacFontManager () const
const Common::SharedPtr< Structural > & getActiveMainScene () const
const Common::SharedPtr< Structural > & getActiveSharedScene () const
void getSceneStack (Common::Array< Common::SharedPtr< Structural > > &sceneStack) const
bool mustDraw () const
uint64 getRealTime () const
uint64 getPlayTime () const
VThreadgetVThread () const
void sendMessageOnVThread (const Common::SharedPtr< MessageDispatch > &dispatch)
void queueMessage (const Common::SharedPtr< MessageDispatch > &dispatch)
void queueOSEvent (const Common::SharedPtr< OSEvent > &osEvent)
SchedulergetScheduler ()
void getScenesInRenderOrder (Common::Array< Structural *> &scenes) const
void instantiateIfAlias (Common::SharedPtr< Modifier > &modifier, const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &relinkParent)
Common::SharedPtr< WindowfindTopWindow (int32 x, int32 y) const
void setVolume (double volume)
void onMouseDown (int32 x, int32 y, Actions::MouseButton mButton)
void onMouseMove (int32 x, int32 y)
void onMouseUp (int32 x, int32 y, Actions::MouseButton mButton)
void onKeyboardEvent (const Common::EventType evtType, bool repeat, const Common::KeyState &keyEvt)
void onAction (MTropolis::Actions::Action action)
const Common::PointgetCachedMousePosition () const
void setModifierCursorOverride (uint32 cursorID)
void clearModifierCursorOverride ()
void forceCursorRefreshOnce ()
void setAutoResetCursor (bool enabled)
uint getMultiClickCount () const
bool isAwaitingSceneTransition () const
Common::RandomSourcegetRandom () const
WorldManagerInterfacegetWorldManagerInterface () const
AssetManagerInterfacegetAssetManagerInterface () const
SystemInterfacegetSystemInterface () const
ISaveUIProvidergetSaveProvider () const
ILoadUIProvidergetLoadProvider () const
Audio::MixergetAudioMixer () const
HacksgetHacks ()
const HacksgetHacks () const
void setSceneGraphDirty ()
void clearSceneGraphDirty ()
bool isSceneGraphDirty () const
void addCollider (ICollider *collider)
void removeCollider (ICollider *collider)
void checkCollisions (ICollider *optRestrictToCollider)
void setCursorElement (const Common::WeakPtr< VisualElement > &element)
void updateCursorElementPosition ()
void addBoundaryDetector (IBoundaryDetector *boundaryDetector)
void removeBoundaryDetector (IBoundaryDetector *boundaryDetector)
void checkBoundaries ()
void addPostEffect (IPostEffect *postEffect)
void removePostEffect (IPostEffect *postEffect)
const Common::Array< IPostEffect * > & getPostEffects () const
const PalettegetGlobalPalette () const
void setGlobalPalette (const Palette &palette)
void addMouseBlocker ()
void removeMouseBlocker ()
const Common::StringresolveAttributeIDName (uint32 attribID) const
const Common::WeakPtr< Window > & getMainWindow () const
const Common::SharedPtr< Graphics::ManagedSurface > & getSaveScreenshotOverride () const
void setSaveScreenshotOverride (const Common::SharedPtr< Graphics::ManagedSurface > &screenshot)
bool isIdle () const
const Common::SharedPtr< SubtitleRenderer > & getSubtitleRenderer () const
void queueCloneObject (const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &obj)
void queueKillObject (const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &obj)
void queueChangeObjectParent (const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &obj, const Common::WeakPtr< RuntimeObject > &newParent)

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