ScummVM API documentation
Bagel::SBZoomPda Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Bagel::SBZoomPda:
Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd Bagel::SBBasePda Bagel::CBofWindow Bagel::CBagStorageDev Bagel::CLList Bagel::CBofObject Bagel::CBofError Bagel::CBagParseObject

Public Member Functions

 SBZoomPda (CBofWindow *pParent=nullptr, const CBofRect &xRect=CBofRect(), bool bActivated=true)
ErrorCode attach () override
ErrorCode detach () override
ErrorCode loadFile (const CBofString &sFile) override
void onMouseMove (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *, void *=nullptr) override
CBagObjectonNewButtonObject (const CBofString &sInit) override
void onMainLoop () override
void onLButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *xPoint, void *=nullptr) override
ErrorCode onRender (CBofBitmap *pBmp, CBofRect *pRect=nullptr) override
ErrorCode attachActiveObjects () override
ErrorCode detachActiveObjects () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd
ErrorCode close () override
virtual ErrorCode runModal (CBagObject *pObj)
void onTimer (uint32 nEventID) override
void setOnUpdate (bool bVal=true)
bool getOnUpdate () const
virtual ErrorCode paintScreen (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr)
virtual ErrorCode paintObjects (CBofList< CBagObject *> *list, CBofBitmap *pBmp, CBofRect &viewOffsetRect, CBofList< CBofRect > *=nullptr, bool tempVar=true)
virtual CBofRect getLocation ()
ErrorCode setBackground (CBofBitmap *pBmp) override
CBofBitmapgetBackground () override
virtual CBofBitmapgetWorkBmp ()
virtual const CBofStringgetHelpFilename ()
void setHelpFilename (const CBofString &s) override
void onPaint (CBofRect *) override
void onClose () override
void onLButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *point, void *=nullptr) override
void onKeyHit (uint32 lKey, uint32 nRepCount) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
 CBofWindow ()
 CBofWindow (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent)
virtual ~CBofWindow ()
virtual ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0)
virtual ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, CBofRect *pRect, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0)
virtual void destroy ()
virtual void destroyWindow ()
void show ()
void select ()
void hide ()
void center ()
void move (int x, int y, bool bRepaint=false)
void reSize (CBofRect *pRect, bool bRepaint=false)
void postMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
void postUserMessage (uint32 lMessage, uint32 lExtraInfo)
void setTimer (uint32 nID, uint32 nInterval, BofCallback pCallBack=nullptr)
void killTimer (uint32 nID)
void killMyTimers ()
CBofWindowgetParent () const
void validateAnscestors (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr)
void setActive ()
CBofRect getWindowRect () const
CBofRect getClientRect ()
CBofRect getRect () const
int width () const
int height () const
void screenToClient (CBofPoint *pPoint)
void selectPalette (CBofPalette *pPal)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (CBofBitmap *pNewBitmap, bool bRefresh=false)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (const char *pszFileName, bool bRefresh=false)
void clearBackdrop ()
CBofBitmapgetBackdrop () const
bool hasBackdrop () const
void killBackdrop ()
ErrorCode paintBackdrop (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr, int nTransparentColor=-1)
void setControlID (uint32 nID)
uint32 getControlID () const
void setBkColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getBkColor () const
void setFgColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getFgColor () const
void setPrevMouseDown (CBofPoint p)
CBofPoint getPrevMouseDown () const
void setCapture ()
void releaseCapture ()
bool hasCapture () const
void setFocus ()
void releaseFocus ()
bool hasFocus () const
void flushAllMessages ()
void validateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
void invalidateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
virtual void onBofButton (CBofObject *pButton, int nExtraInfo)
virtual void onBofScrollBar (CBofObject *pButton, int nNewPos)
virtual void onBofListBox (CBofObject *pListBox, int nItemIndex)
virtual void onSoundNotify (CBofObject *pObject, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMovieNotify (uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMCINotify (uint32 wParam, uint32 lParam)
virtual void handleEvent (const Common::Event &event)
Graphics::ManagedSurfacegetSurface ()
bool isCreated () const
virtual void enable ()
virtual void disable ()
bool isVisible () const
bool isEnabled () const
void updateWindow ()
void setParent (CBofWindow *parent)
void handleEvents ()
void fillWindow (byte iColor)
void fillRect (CBofRect *pRect, byte iColor)
ErrorCode paintBeveledText (CBofRect *rect, const CBofString &string, int size, int weight, RGBCOLOR color, int justify, uint32 format)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CLList
 CLList ()
 CLList (void *pObj)
virtual ~CLList ()
void Insert (CLList *pNewList)
void Delete ()
void addToHead (CLList *pNewList)
void addToTail (CLList *pNewList)
void MoveToHead ()
void MoveToTail ()
void MoveLeft ()
void MoveRight ()
CLListgetHead ()
CLListgetTail ()
CLListgetPrev () const
CLListgetNext () const
void * getData () const
void PutData (void *pObj)
void FlushList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
void reportError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
bool errorOccurred () const
ErrorCode getErrorCode () const
void clearError ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDev
virtual ErrorCode preFilter (CBofBitmap *pBmp, CBofRect *pRect, CBofList< CBagObject *> *pList=nullptr)
void makeListDirty (CBofList< CBagObject *> *pList)
void setDiskID (uint16 nDiskID)
uint16 getDiskID () const
virtual ErrorCode setloadFilePos (const CBofPoint)
bool isCloseup () const
void setCloseup (bool b=true)
bool isCIC ()
void setCIC (bool b=true)
bool isCustom () const
void setCustom (bool b=true)
int getDeviceType () const
int getObjectCount ()
CBagObjectgetObjectByPos (int nIndex)
CBagObjectgetObject (int nRefId, bool bActiveOnly=false)
CBagObjectgetObject (const CBofPoint &xPoint, bool bActiveOnly=false)
CBagObjectgetObject (const CBofString &sName, bool bActiveOnly=false)
CBagObjectgetObjectByType (const CBofString &sType, bool bActiveOnly=false)
CBofList< CBagObject * > * getObjectList () const
void setObjectList (CBofList< CBagObject *> *pOList, CBofList< CBagExpression *> *pEList=nullptr)
bool contains (CBagObject *pObj, bool bActive=true)
virtual CBofRect getRect ()
virtual void setRect (const CBofRect &xRect)
virtual CBofPoint getPosition ()
virtual void setPosition (const CBofPoint &pos)
virtual ErrorCode addObject (CBagObject *pObj, int nPos=0)
virtual ErrorCode activateLocalObject (CBagObject *pObj)
virtual ErrorCode activateLocalObject (const CBofString &sName)
virtual ErrorCode removeObject (CBagObject *pRObj)
virtual ErrorCode deactivateLocalObject (CBagObject *pObj)
virtual ErrorCode deactivateLocalObject (const CBofString &sName)
const CBofStringgetName () const
void setName (const CBofString &str)
void setFilterId (uint16 nId)
uint16 getFilterId () const
void setFadeId (uint16 nId)
uint16 getFadeId () const
const CBofStringgetPrevSDev () const
const CBofPoint getPrevLoc () const
void setPrevSDev (const CBofString &str)
bool getCloseOnOpen () const
void setCloseOnOpen (bool bVal)
uint16 getExitOnEdge () const
void setExitOnEdge (uint16 nVal)
CBagObjectgetLActiveObject () const
ErrorCode setLActiveObject (CBagObject *pObj)
virtual ErrorCode onLActiveObject (uint32, CBofPoint *, void *=nullptr)
MouseActivity getLActivity () const
void setLActivity (MouseActivity ma)
ErrorCode paintStorageDevice (CBofWindow *pWnd, CBofBitmap *pBmp=nullptr, CBofRect *=nullptr)
virtual void setAssociateWnd (CBofWindow *pWnd)
virtual CBofWindowgetAssociateWnd ()
ParseCodes setInfo (CBagIfstream &fpInput) override
const CBofStringgetBackgroundName () const
virtual ErrorCode loadObjects ()
virtual ErrorCode releaseObjects ()
virtual ErrorCode noObjectsUnderMouse ()
virtual const CBofPoint devPtToViewPort (const CBofPoint &xPoint)
virtual const CBofPoint viewPortToDevPt (const CBofPoint &xPoint)
virtual ErrorCode loadFileFromStream (CBagIfstream &fpInput, const CBofString &sWldName, bool bAttach=true)
virtual ErrorCode onMouseOver (uint32, CBofPoint *, void *=nullptr)
virtual ErrorCode onCursorUpdate (int)
virtual CBagObjectonNewSpriteObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewBitmapObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewTextObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewLinkObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewRPObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewEDObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewDosObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewSoundObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewCharacterObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewMovieObject (const CBofString &)
virtual CBagObjectonNewCommandObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewAreaObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewExpressionObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewVariableObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewUserObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBagObjectonNewThingObject (const CBofString &sInit)
virtual CBofPoint arrangeFloater (CBofPoint &nPos, CBagObject *pObj)
int getNumFloatPages () const
void setNumFloatPages (int nFloatPages)
void onSetFilter (bool(*filterFunction)(uint16 nFilterId, CBofBitmap *, CBofRect *))
FilterFunction getFilter ()
bool isFiltered () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagParseObject
virtual bool isAttached ()
int getStringFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, CBofString &sStr, const CBofString &sEndChars, bool bPutBack=false)
int getAlphaNumFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, CBofString &sStr)
int getOperStrFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, CBofString &sStr)
int getIntFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, int &nNum)
int getRectFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, CBofRect &rect)
int getKeywordFromStream (CBagIfstream &istr, KEYWORDS &keyword)
int putbackStringOnStream (CBagIfstream &istr, const CBofString &sStr)
int parseAlertBox (CBagIfstream &istr, const char *sTitle, const char *sFile, int nLine)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::SBBasePda
 SBBasePda (CBofWindow *parent=nullptr, const CBofRect &rect=CBofRect(), bool activated=false)
bool isActivated () const
bool isActivating () const
void synchronizePdaState ()
void activate ()
void deactivate ()
virtual bool showInventory ()
virtual bool hideInventory ()
virtual bool showMovie ()
virtual bool hideMovie ()
bool setMovie (CBofString &movieName) const
void stopMovie (bool bResetPDA) const
void setDeactivate (bool b)
bool getDeactivate () const
virtual bool showMap ()
virtual bool hideMap ()
virtual bool zoom ()
virtual bool showLog ()
virtual bool msgLight ()
virtual bool hideCurDisplay ()
virtual bool restoreCurDisplay ()
void setPdaState ()
void getPdaState ()
void setZoomed (bool newVal)
bool getZoomed () const
int getProperCursor (const CBofPoint &pos, CBofRect &pdaRect) const
CBofRect getViewRect () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void initialize ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd
static void initialize ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
static ErrorCode initialize ()
static ErrorCode shutdown ()
static Common::Point getMousePos ()
static CBofWindowgetActiveWindow ()
static CBofWindowgetWindowList ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofObject
static bool isValidObject (const CBofObject *pObject)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static void fatalError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
static void initialize ()
static int getErrorCount ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDev
static void initialize ()
static void shutdown ()
static CBofPointgetLastCursorLocation ()
static void setDirtyAllObjects (bool b)
static bool getDirtyAllObjects ()
static void setPreFiltered (bool b=true)
static bool getPreFiltered ()
static bool preFilterPan ()
static void setPreFilterPan (bool b=true)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagParseObject
static void initialize ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::SBBasePda
static void initialize ()
static void setPdaMode (PdaMode pdaMode)
static PdaMode getPdaMode ()
static void * pdaButtonHandler (int refId, void *info)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDev
enum  MouseActivity { kMouseNONE = 0x0000, kMouseDRAGGING = 0x0001 }
- Public Types inherited from Bagel::CBagParseObject
enum  KEYWORDS {
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd
static CBagEventSDev_pEvtSDev
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDevWnd
virtual ErrorCode setWorkBmp ()
virtual ErrorCode killWorkBmp ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
void checkTimers ()
virtual void onLButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onReSize (CBofSize *pSize)
virtual void onUserMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam)
virtual void onActivate ()
virtual void onDeActivate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
virtual void bofMessageBox (const Common::String &content, const Common::String &title)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
CBofWindow_parent = nullptr
Array< CBofWindow * > _children
char _szTitle [64] = { 0 }
CBofRect _cWindowRect
CBofRect _cRect
CBofBitmap_pBackdrop = nullptr
uint32 _nID = 0
RGBCOLOR _cBkColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
RGBCOLOR _cFgColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
bool _bCaptured = false
Graphics::ManagedSurface_surface = nullptr
CBofPoint _cPrevMouseDown
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CLList
void * _pData
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
ErrorCode _errCode
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDev
uint16 _xSDevType
FilterFunction _pBitmapFilter
bool _bForeignList: true
bool _bCloseOnOpen: true
bool _bCloseup: true
bool _bCIC: true
bool _bCustom: true
bool _bFirstPaint: true
int _nFloatPages
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::SBBasePda
int _numMoves
int _activating
bool _activated
int _moveDist
bool _zoomedFl
bool _deactivateFl
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
static CBofWindow_pWindowList
static CBofWindow_pActiveWindow
static CBofTimerPacket_pTimerList
static int _mouseX
static int _mouseY
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static int _count
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBagStorageDev
static CBofPoint_xCursorLocation
static CBofRectgRepaintRect
static bool _bHandledUpEvent
static bool _hidePdaFl
static bool _bPanPreFiltered
static bool _bDirtyAllObjects
static bool _bPreFilter
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::SBBasePda
static PdaMode _pdaMode
static PdaPos _pdaPos
static PdaMode _holdMode

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SBZoomPda()

Bagel::SBZoomPda::SBZoomPda ( CBofWindow pParent = nullptr,
const CBofRect xRect = CBofRect(),
bool  bActivated = true 


pParentPointer to the parent window
xRectPda in parent window
bActivatedState of PDA whe constructed (optional)

Member Function Documentation

◆ onNewButtonObject()

CBagObject* Bagel::SBZoomPda::onNewButtonObject ( const CBofString sInit)

Called to overload specific types of sprite objects Pointer to the new object

Reimplemented from Bagel::CBagStorageDev.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: