ScummVM API documentation
Crab::pyrodactyl::image::ImageManager Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void quit ()
bool init ()
void loadMap (const Common::Path &filename, const MapID &mapid=MAP_CURRENT)
void getTexture (const ImageKey &id, Image &data)
ImagegetTexture (const ImageKey &id)
bool validTexture (const ImageKey &id)
void draw (const int &x, const int &y, const ImageKey &id, Common::Rect *clip=nullptr, const TextureFlipType &flip=FLIP_NONE)
void draw (const int &x, const int &y, const ImageKey &id, Rect *clip, const TextureFlipType &flip=FLIP_NONE)
void dimScreen ()
void blackScreen ()
void notifyDraw (const int &x, const int &y)

Public Attributes

TMX::TileSetGroup _tileset
ImageKey _notify

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