ScummVM API documentation
1 /* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
2  *
3  * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
4  * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
5  * file distributed with this source distribution.
6  *
7  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program. If not, see <>.
19  *
20  */
25 #include "common/memstream.h"
26 #include "common/stack.h"
27 #include "common/random.h"
28 #include "common/rect.h"
30 #include "lilliput/stream.h"
32 namespace Lilliput {
34 class LilliputEngine;
36 enum kActionType {
37  kActionNone = 0,
38  kButtonPressed = 1,
39  kButtonReleased = 2,
40  kActionTalk = 3,
41  kActionGoto = 4,
42  kCubeSelected = 5,
43  kCodeEntered = 6
44 };
46 enum kValueType {
47  kNone,
48  kImmediateValue,
49  kCompareOperation,
50  kComputeOperation,
51  kGetValue1,
52  kgetPosFromScript
53 };
55 struct OpCode {
56  const char* _opName;
57  int _numArgs;
58  kValueType _arg1;
59  kValueType _arg2;
60  kValueType _arg3;
61  kValueType _arg4;
62  kValueType _arg5;
63 };
65 struct EvaluatedMode {
66  int _mode;
67  int _priority;
68 };
71 public:
72  byte _heroismLevel;
73  byte _speechTimer;
75  byte _characterScriptEnabled[40];
76  int8 _interfaceHotspotStatus[20];
77  Common::Point _characterTilePos[40];
78  int8 _characterNextSequence[40];
79  int8 _characterPose[40];
80  byte _interfaceButtonActivationDelay[20];
81  byte _array122C1[40];
82  byte _characterSeek[40];
83  int16 _interactions[40 * 40];
85  byte *_barAttrPtr;
87  Common::Point _viewportPos;
88  int16 _viewportCharacterTarget;
89  int16 _talkingCharacter;
90  int _heroismBarX;
91  int _heroismBarBottomY;
93  Common::Point _sequenceArr[640];
94  byte _characterMapPixelColor[40];
95  int8 _characterLastSequence[40];
96  EvaluatedMode _newEvaluatedModes[32];
99  ~LilliputScript();
101  void disasmScript(ScriptStream script);
102  void listAllTexts();
103  static Common::String getArgumentString(kValueType type, ScriptStream& script);
104  void runScript(ScriptStream script);
105  void runMenuScript(ScriptStream script);
106 private:
107  LilliputEngine *_vm;
109  ScriptStream *_currScript;
110  Common::Stack<ScriptStream *> _scriptStack;
112  byte _byte16F05_ScriptHandler;
113  byte _cubeSet;
114  byte _lastRandomValue;
115  byte _scriptForVal;
116  byte _textVarNumber;
117  byte _speechDisplaySpeed;
119  int16 _word16F00_characterId;
120  int _currentSpeechId;
121  int _word18821;
122  int _monitoredCharacter;
123  Common::Point _word1825E;
125  char _monitoredAttr[4];
127  int handleOpcode(ScriptStream *script);
128  byte handleOpcodeType1(int curWord);
129  void handleOpcodeType2(int curWord);
131  void enableCharacterScript(byte index, byte var1, byte *curBufPtr);
132  void skipOpcodes(int var1);
133  void copySequence(int index, byte *buf);
134  void setSequence(int charIdx, int8 seqIdx);
135  void checkSpeechAllowed(bool &forceReturnFl);
136  void decodePackedText(char *buf);
137  void startSpeech(int var);
138  void displayNumber(byte var1, Common::Point pos);
139  byte *getMapPtr(Common::Point val);
140  byte *getCurrentCharacterVarFromScript();
141  void sendSignal(int16 var1, byte var2h, byte characterId, int16 var4);
142  void getSpeechVariant(int speechIndex, int speechVariant);
143  void showSpeech();
144  void formatSpeechString();
145  Common::Point getCharacterTilePos(int index);
146  int getPackedStringStartRelativeIndex(int index);
148  int16 getValue1();
149  Common::Point getPosFromScript();
151  byte *getCharacterAttributesPtr();
152  byte compareValues(int16 var1, uint16 oper, int16 var2);
153  void computeOperation(byte *bufPtr, uint16 oper, int16 var2);
155  //Opcodes Type 1
156  byte OC_checkCharacterGoalPos();
157  byte OC_comparePos();
158  byte OC_checkIsoMap3();
159  byte OC_compareCharacterVariable();
160  byte OC_CompareLastRandomValue();
161  byte OC_getRandom();
162  byte OC_for();
163  byte OC_compCurrentSpeechId();
164  byte OC_checkSaveFlag();
165  byte OC_compScriptForVal();
166  byte OC_isCarrying();
167  byte OC_CompareCharacterVariables();
168  byte OC_compareCoords_1();
169  byte OC_compareCoords_2();
170  byte OC_CompareDistanceFromCharacterToPositionWith();
171  byte OC_compareRandomCharacterId();
172  byte OC_IsCurrentCharacterIndex();
173  byte OC_hasVisibilityLevel();
174  byte OC_hasGainedVisibilityLevel();
175  byte OC_hasReducedVisibilityLevel();
176  byte OC_isHost();
177  byte OC_isSequenceActive();
178  byte OC_isSequenceFinished();
179  byte OC_CompareMapValueWith();
180  byte OC_IsCharacterValid();
181  byte OC_CheckWaitingSignal();
182  byte OC_CurrentCharacterVar0AndVar1Equals();
183  byte OC_CurrentCharacterVar0Equals();
184  byte OC_checkLastInterfaceHotspotIndexMenu13();
185  byte OC_checkLastInterfaceHotspotIndexMenu2();
186  byte OC_CompareNumberOfCharacterWithVar0Equals();
187  byte OC_IsPositionInViewport();
188  byte OC_CompareGameVariables();
189  byte OC_skipNextOpcode();
190  byte OC_CheckCurrentCharacterAttr2();
191  byte OC_CheckCurrentCharacterType();
192  byte OC_CheckCurrentCharacterAttr0And();
193  byte OC_IsCurrentCharacterAttr0LessEqualThan();
194  byte OC_isCarried();
195  byte OC_CheckCurrentCharacterAttr1();
196  byte OC_isCurrentCharacterSpecial();
197  byte OC_CurrentCharacterAttr3Equals1();
198  byte OC_checkCharacterDirection();
199  byte OC_checkLastInterfaceHotspotIndex();
200  byte OC_checkSelectedCharacter();
201  byte OC_checkDelayedReactivation();
202  byte OC_checkTargetReached();
203  byte OC_checkFunctionKeyPressed();
204  byte OC_checkCodeEntered();
205  byte OC_checkViewPortCharacterTarget();
207  // Opcodes Type 2
208  void OC_setWord18821();
209  void OC_ChangeIsoMap();
210  void OC_startSpeech();
211  void OC_getComputedVariantSpeech();
212  void OC_getRotatingVariantSpeech();
213  void OC_startSpeechIfMute();
214  void OC_getComputedVariantSpeechIfMute();
215  void OC_startSpeechIfSilent();
216  void OC_ComputeCharacterVariable();
217  void OC_setAttributeToRandom();
218  void OC_setCharacterPosition();
219  void OC_DisableCharacter();
220  void OC_saveAndQuit();
221  void OC_nSkipOpcodes();
222  void OC_startSpeech5();
223  void OC_resetHandleOpcodeFlag();
224  void OC_deleteSavegameAndQuit();
225  void OC_incScriptForVal();
226  void OC_computeChararacterAttr();
227  void OC_setTextVarNumber();
228  void OC_callScript();
229  void OC_callScriptAndReturn();
230  void OC_setCurrentScriptCharacterPos();
231  void OC_initScriptFor();
232  void OC_setCurrentCharacterSequence();
233  void OC_setNextCharacterSequence();
234  void OC_setHost();
235  void OC_changeMapCube();
236  void OC_setCharacterCarry();
237  void OC_dropCarried();
238  void OC_setCurrentCharacter();
239  void OC_sendSeeSignal();
240  void OC_sendHearSignal();
241  void OC_sendVarSignal();
242  void OC_sendBroadcastSignal();
243  void OC_resetWaitingSignal();
244  void OC_enableCurrentCharacterScript();
245  void OC_IncCurrentCharacterVar1();
246  void OC_setCurrentCharacterPos();
247  void OC_setCurrentCharacterBehavior();
248  void OC_changeCurrentCharacterSprite();
249  void OC_getList();
250  void OC_setList();
251  void OC_setCharacterDirectionTowardsPos();
252  void OC_turnCharacterTowardsAnother();
253  void OC_setSeek();
254  void OC_scrollAwayFromCharacter();
255  void OC_skipNextVal();
256  void OC_setCurrentCharacterAttr6();
257  void OC_setCurrentCharacterPose();
258  void OC_setCharacterScriptEnabled();
259  void OC_setCurrentCharacterAttr2();
260  void OC_clearCurrentCharacterAttr2();
261  void OC_setCharacterProperties();
262  void OC_setMonitoredCharacter();
263  void OC_setNewPose();
264  void OC_setCurrentCharacterDirection();
265  void OC_setInterfaceHotspot();
266  void OC_scrollViewPort();
267  void OC_setViewPortPos();
268  void OC_setCurrentCharacterAltitude();
269  void OC_setModePriority();
270  void setMode(EvaluatedMode newMode);
271  void OC_setComputedModePriority();
272  void OC_selectBestMode();
273  void OC_magicPuffEntrance();
274  void OC_spawnCharacterAtPos();
275  void OC_CharacterVariableAddOrRemoveFlag();
276  void OC_PaletteFadeOut();
277  void OC_PaletteFadeIn();
278  void OC_loadAndDisplayCubesGfx();
279  void OC_setCurrentCharacterAttr3();
280  void OC_setArray122C1();
281  void OC_sub18367();
282  void OC_enableCharacterScript();
283  void OC_setRulesBuffer2Element();
284  void OC_setDebugFlag();
285  void OC_setDebugFlag2();
286  void OC_waitForEvent();
287  void OC_disableInterfaceHotspot();
288  void OC_loadFileAerial();
289  void OC_startSpeechIfSoundOff();
290  void OC_sub1844A();
291  void OC_displayNumericCharacterVariable();
292  void OC_displayVGAFile();
293  void OC_startSpeechWithoutSpeeker();
294  void OC_displayTitleScreen();
295  void OC_initGameAreaDisplay();
296  void OC_displayCharacterStatBar();
297  void OC_initSmallAnim();
298  void OC_setCharacterHeroismBar();
299  void OC_setCharacterHome();
300  void OC_setViewPortCharacterTarget();
301  void OC_showObject();
302  void OC_playObjectSound();
303  void OC_startLocationSound();
304  void OC_stopObjectSound();
305  void OC_stopLocationSound();
306  void OC_toggleSound();
307  void OC_playMusic();
308  void OC_stopMusic();
309  void OC_setCharacterMapColor();
310 };
312 } // End of namespace Lilliput
314 #endif
Definition: str.h:59
Definition: console.h:27
Definition: stream.h:29
Definition: script.h:55
Definition: rect.h:45
Definition: lilliput.h:83
Definition: script.h:70
Definition: script.h:65
Definition: stack.h:102