ScummVM API documentation
asCContext Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for asCContext:

Public Member Functions

int AddRef () const
int Release () const
asIScriptEngineGetEngine () const
int Prepare (asIScriptFunction *func)
int Unprepare ()
int Execute ()
int Abort ()
int Suspend ()
asEContextState GetState () const
int PushState ()
int PopState ()
bool IsNested (asUINT *nestCount=0) const
int SetObject (void *obj)
int SetArgByte (asUINT arg, asBYTE value)
int SetArgWord (asUINT arg, asWORD value)
int SetArgDWord (asUINT arg, asDWORD value)
int SetArgQWord (asUINT arg, asQWORD value)
int SetArgFloat (asUINT arg, float value)
int SetArgDouble (asUINT arg, double value)
int SetArgAddress (asUINT arg, void *addr)
int SetArgObject (asUINT arg, void *obj)
int SetArgVarType (asUINT arg, void *ptr, int typeId)
void * GetAddressOfArg (asUINT arg)
asBYTE GetReturnByte ()
asWORD GetReturnWord ()
asDWORD GetReturnDWord ()
asQWORD GetReturnQWord ()
float GetReturnFloat ()
double GetReturnDouble ()
void * GetReturnAddress ()
void * GetReturnObject ()
void * GetAddressOfReturnValue ()
int SetException (const char *descr, bool allowCatch=true)
int GetExceptionLineNumber (int *column, const char **sectionName)
asIScriptFunctionGetExceptionFunction ()
const char * GetExceptionString ()
bool WillExceptionBeCaught ()
int SetExceptionCallback (asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv)
void ClearExceptionCallback ()
int SetLineCallback (asSFuncPtr callback, void *obj, int callConv)
void ClearLineCallback ()
asUINT GetCallstackSize () const
asIScriptFunctionGetFunction (asUINT stackLevel)
int GetLineNumber (asUINT stackLevel, int *column, const char **sectionName)
int GetVarCount (asUINT stackLevel)
const char * GetVarName (asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel)
const char * GetVarDeclaration (asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel, bool includeNamespace)
int GetVarTypeId (asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel)
void * GetAddressOfVar (asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel)
bool IsVarInScope (asUINT varIndex, asUINT stackLevel)
int GetThisTypeId (asUINT stackLevel)
void * GetThisPointer (asUINT stackLevel)
asIScriptFunctionGetSystemFunction ()
void * SetUserData (void *data, asPWORD type)
void * GetUserData (asPWORD type) const
 asCContext (asCScriptEngine *engine, bool holdRef)
void CallLineCallback ()
void CallExceptionCallback ()
int CallGeneric (asCScriptFunction *func)
void DetachEngine ()
void ExecuteNext ()
void CleanStack (bool catchException=false)
bool CleanStackFrame (bool catchException=false)
void CleanArgsOnStack ()
void CleanReturnObject ()
void DetermineLiveObjects (asCArray< int > &liveObjects, asUINT stackLevel)
int PushCallState ()
void PopCallState ()
void CallScriptFunction (asCScriptFunction *func)
void CallInterfaceMethod (asCScriptFunction *func)
void PrepareScriptFunction ()
bool ReserveStackSpace (asUINT size)
void SetInternalException (const char *descr, bool allowCatch=true)
bool FindExceptionTryCatch ()

Public Attributes

asCAtomic m_refCount
bool m_holdEngineRef
asEContextState m_status
bool m_doSuspend
bool m_doAbort
bool m_externalSuspendRequest
asCArray< size_t > m_callStack
asCArray< asDWORD * > m_stackBlocks
asUINT m_stackBlockSize
asUINT m_stackIndex
asDWORD * m_originalStackPointer
bool m_isStackMemoryNotAllocated
bool m_needToCleanupArgs
bool m_inExceptionHandler
asCString m_exceptionString
int m_exceptionFunction
int m_exceptionSectionIdx
int m_exceptionLine
int m_exceptionColumn
bool m_exceptionWillBeCaught
int m_returnValueSize
int m_argumentsSize
bool m_lineCallback
asSSystemFunctionInterface m_lineCallbackFunc
void * m_lineCallbackObj
bool m_exceptionCallback
asSSystemFunctionInterface m_exceptionCallbackFunc
void * m_exceptionCallbackObj
asCArray< asPWORD > m_userData
asSVMRegisters m_regs

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