ScummVM API documentation
Saga2::AudioInterface Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void initAudioInterface (hResContext *musicContext)
bool playFlag ()
void playMe ()
void playMusic (uint32 s, int16 loopFactor=1, Point32 where=Point32(0, 0))
void stopMusic ()
void queueSound (uint32 s, int16 loopFactor=1, Point32 where=Point32(0, 0))
void playLoop (uint32 s, int16 loopFactor=0, Point32 where=Point32(0, 0))
void stopLoop ()
void setLoopPosition (Point32 newLoc)
uint32 currentLoop ()
void queueVoice (uint32 s, Point32 where=Point32(0, 0))
void queueVoice (uint32 s[], Point32 where=Point32(0, 0))
void stopVoice ()
bool talking ()
bool saying (uint32 s)
byte getVolume (VolumeTarget src)
void suspend ()
void resume ()

Public Attributes

Audio::SoundHandle _speechSoundHandle
Audio::SoundHandle _sfxSoundHandle
Audio::SoundHandle _bgmSoundHandle
Audio::SoundHandle _clickSoundHandle
Audio::SoundHandle _loopSoundHandle
Common::List< SoundInstance_speechQueue
Common::Queue< SoundInstance_sfxQueue
int32 _clickSizes [kClickSounds]
uint8 * _clickData [kClickSounds]

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