ScummVM API documentation
Freescape::OpenGLShaderRenderer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Freescape::OpenGLShaderRenderer:


struct  Coord
struct  Vertex

Public Member Functions

 OpenGLShaderRenderer (int screenW, int screenH, Common::RenderMode renderMode, bool authenticGraphics)
void copyToVertexArray (uint idx, const Math::Vector3d &src)
virtual void init () override
virtual void clear (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, bool ignoreViewport=false) override
virtual void setViewport (const Common::Rect &rect) override
virtual Common::Point nativeResolution () override
virtual void positionCamera (const Math::Vector3d &pos, const Math::Vector3d &interest) override
virtual void updateProjectionMatrix (float fov, float aspectRatio, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane) override
virtual void useColor (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) override
virtual void polygonOffset (bool enabled) override
virtual void depthTesting (bool enabled) override
virtual void setStippleData (byte *data) override
virtual void useStipple (bool enabled) override
TexturecreateTexture (const Graphics::Surface *surface, bool is3D=false) override
void freeTexture (Texture *texture) override
virtual void drawTexturedRect2D (const Common::Rect &screenRect, const Common::Rect &textureRect, Texture *texture) override
virtual void renderSensorShoot (byte color, const Math::Vector3d sensor, const Math::Vector3d player, const Common::Rect viewPort) override
virtual void renderPlayerShootBall (byte color, const Common::Point position, int frame, const Common::Rect viewPort) override
virtual void renderPlayerShootRay (byte color, const Common::Point position, const Common::Rect viewPort) override
void drawCelestialBody (Math::Vector3d position, float radius, uint8 color) override
void drawSkybox (Texture *texture, Math::Vector3d camera) override
virtual void renderCrossair (const Common::Point crossairPosition) override
virtual void renderFace (const Common::Array< Math::Vector3d > &vertices) override
virtual void flipBuffer () override
virtual void drawFloor (uint8 color) override
virtual Graphics::SurfacegetScreenshot () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Freescape::Renderer
 Renderer (int screenW, int screenH, Common::RenderMode renderMode, bool authenticGraphics)
Graphics::SurfaceconvertImageFormatIfNecessary (Graphics::ManagedSurface *surface)
virtual void renderCube (const Math::Vector3d &position, const Math::Vector3d &size, Common::Array< uint8 > *colours, Common::Array< uint8 > *ecolours, float offset=0.0)
virtual void renderRectangle (const Math::Vector3d &position, const Math::Vector3d &size, Common::Array< uint8 > *colours, Common::Array< uint8 > *ecolours, float offset=0.0)
virtual void renderPolygon (const Math::Vector3d &origin, const Math::Vector3d &size, const Common::Array< float > *ordinates, Common::Array< uint8 > *colours, Common::Array< uint8 > *ecolours, float offset=0.0)
virtual void renderPyramid (const Math::Vector3d &origin, const Math::Vector3d &size, const Common::Array< float > *ordinates, Common::Array< uint8 > *colours, Common::Array< uint8 > *ecolours, int type)
void setColorRemaps (ColorReMap *colorRemaps)
virtual void drawBackground (uint8 color)
void drawEclipse (uint8 color1, uint8 color2, float difference)
Common::Rect viewport () const
void readFromPalette (uint8 index, uint8 &r, uint8 &g, uint8 &b)
void setPaletteValue (uint8 index, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)
uint8 indexFromColor (uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)
uint8 mapEGAColor (uint8 index)
bool getRGBAt (uint8 index, uint8 ecolor, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
bool getRGBAtC64 (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
bool getRGBAtCGA (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
bool getRGBAtCPC (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
bool getRGBAtEGA (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2)
bool getRGBAtZX (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
bool getRGBAtHercules (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1, uint8 &r2, uint8 &g2, uint8 &b2, byte *&stipple)
void extractCPCIndexes (uint8 cm1, uint8 cm2, uint8 &i1, uint8 &i2)
void extractC64Indexes (uint8 cm1, uint8 cm2, uint8 &i1, uint8 &i2)
void selectColorFromFourColorPalette (uint8 index, uint8 &r1, uint8 &g1, uint8 &b1)
void scaleStipplePattern (byte originalPattern[128], byte newPattern[128])
void setColorMap (ColorMap *colorMap_)
void clearColorPairArray ()
void fillColorPairArray ()
Math::Matrix4 getMvpMatrix () const
void flipVertical (Graphics::Surface *s)
bool computeScreenViewport ()

Public Attributes

Math::Matrix4 _projectionMatrix
Math::Matrix4 _modelViewMatrix
Math::Matrix4 _mvpMatrix
GLuint _triangleVBO
GLuint _bitmapVBO
GLuint _cubemapVertVBO
GLuint _cubemapTexCoordVBO
GLuint _cubemapEBO
int _defaultShaderStippleArray [128]
int _variableStippleArray [128]
- Public Attributes inherited from Freescape::Renderer
Graphics::PixelFormat _currentPixelFormat
Graphics::PixelFormat _palettePixelFormat
Graphics::PixelFormat _texturePixelFormat
bool _isAccelerated
bool _authenticGraphics
byte _defaultStippleArray [128]
byte * _variableStippleArray
float _skyNormals [16][3]
float _skyUvs1008 [16][2]
float _skyUvs128 [16][2]
float _skyVertices [16][3]
unsigned int _skyIndices [24]
byte * _palette
byte _colorPair [16]
int _keyColor
int _inkColor
int _paperColor
int _underFireBackgroundColor
Common::Point _shakeOffset
byte _stipples [16][128]
int _scale
int _screenW
int _screenH
Common::RenderMode _renderMode

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Freescape::Renderer
Math::Matrix4 makeProjectionMatrix (float fov, float nearClipPlane, float farClipPlane) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from Freescape::Renderer
Common::Rect _screenViewport
Common::Rect _viewport
Common::Rect _unscaledViewport
Math::Matrix4 _projectionMatrix
Math::Matrix4 _modelViewMatrix
Math::Matrix4 _mvpMatrix
Math::Frustum _frustum

Member Function Documentation

◆ positionCamera()

virtual void Freescape::OpenGLShaderRenderer::positionCamera ( const Math::Vector3d &  pos,
const Math::Vector3d &  interest 

Select the window where to render

This also sets the viewport

Implements Freescape::Renderer.

◆ flipBuffer()

virtual void Freescape::OpenGLShaderRenderer::flipBuffer ( )

Swap the buffers, making the drawn screen visible

Reimplemented from Freescape::Renderer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: