ScummVM API documentation
Bagel::CBagExam Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Bagel::CBagExam:
Bagel::CBofMovie Bagel::CBofDialog Bagel::CBofWindow Bagel::CLList Bagel::CBofObject Bagel::CBofError

Public Member Functions

 CBagExam (CBofWindow *pParent=nullptr)
 CBagExam (CBofWindow *pParent, const char *sFilename)
 CBagExam (CBofWindow *pParent, const char *sFilename, CBofRect *pBounds)
virtual bool initExam ()
void onMouseMove (uint32, CBofPoint *point, void *=nullptr) override
void onReSize (CBofSize *size) override
void onButtonUp (uint32, CBofPoint *) override
bool setRotationRects ()
bool markBegEnd ()
bool rotateRight ()
bool rotateLeft ()
bool rotateStop ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofMovie
 CBofMovie (CBofWindow *pParent=nullptr, const char *pszFilename=nullptr, CBofRect *pBounds=nullptr, bool bStretch=false, bool bUseNewPalette=true, bool bBlackOutWindow=false)
virtual bool open (const char *sFilename=nullptr, CBofRect *pBounds=nullptr)
virtual bool play (bool bLoop, bool bEscCanStop=true)
virtual bool reverse (bool bLoop, bool bEscCanStop=true)
virtual bool pause ()
virtual bool stop ()
virtual MVSTATUS status ()
virtual bool seekToStart ()
virtual bool seekToEnd ()
virtual uint32 getFrame ()
virtual bool setFrame (uint32 dwFrameNum)
virtual bool centerRect ()
Graphics::ManagedSurfacegetSmackBuffer ()
Video::SmackerDecodergetSmackMovie ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofDialog
 CBofDialog ()
 CBofDialog (const char *pszFileName, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nID=0, uint32 lFlags=(0x00000001))
virtual ~CBofDialog ()
ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0) override
ErrorCode create (const char *pszName, CBofRect *pRect, CBofWindow *pParent, uint32 nControlID=0) override
void setFlags (uint32 lFlags)
uint32 getFlags () const
int doModal ()
void endModal ()
void setReturnValue (int nValue)
int getReturnValue () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
 CBofWindow ()
 CBofWindow (const char *pszName, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CBofWindow *pParent)
virtual ~CBofWindow ()
virtual void destroy ()
virtual void destroyWindow ()
void show ()
void select ()
void hide ()
void center ()
void move (int x, int y, bool bRepaint=false)
void reSize (CBofRect *pRect, bool bRepaint=false)
virtual ErrorCode close ()
void postMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
void postUserMessage (uint32 lMessage, uint32 lExtraInfo)
void setTimer (uint32 nID, uint32 nInterval, BofCallback pCallBack=nullptr)
void killTimer (uint32 nID)
void killMyTimers ()
CBofWindowgetParent () const
void validateAnscestors (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr)
void setActive ()
CBofRect getWindowRect () const
CBofRect getClientRect ()
CBofRect getRect () const
int width () const
int height () const
void screenToClient (CBofPoint *pPoint)
void selectPalette (CBofPalette *pPal)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (CBofBitmap *pNewBitmap, bool bRefresh=false)
ErrorCode setBackdrop (const char *pszFileName, bool bRefresh=false)
void clearBackdrop ()
CBofBitmapgetBackdrop () const
bool hasBackdrop () const
void killBackdrop ()
ErrorCode paintBackdrop (CBofRect *pRect=nullptr, int nTransparentColor=-1)
void setControlID (uint32 nID)
uint32 getControlID () const
void setBkColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getBkColor () const
void setFgColor (RGBCOLOR cColor)
RGBCOLOR getFgColor () const
void setPrevMouseDown (CBofPoint p)
CBofPoint getPrevMouseDown () const
void setCapture ()
void releaseCapture ()
bool hasCapture () const
void setFocus ()
void releaseFocus ()
bool hasFocus () const
void flushAllMessages ()
void validateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
void invalidateRect (const CBofRect *pRect)
virtual void onBofButton (CBofObject *pButton, int nExtraInfo)
virtual void onBofScrollBar (CBofObject *pButton, int nNewPos)
virtual void onBofListBox (CBofObject *pListBox, int nItemIndex)
virtual void onSoundNotify (CBofObject *pObject, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMovieNotify (uint32 lParam1, uint32 lParam2)
virtual void onMCINotify (uint32 wParam, uint32 lParam)
virtual void onTimer (uint32 nTimerId)
virtual void handleEvent (const Common::Event &event)
Graphics::ManagedSurfacegetSurface ()
bool isCreated () const
virtual void enable ()
virtual void disable ()
bool isVisible () const
bool isEnabled () const
void updateWindow ()
void setParent (CBofWindow *parent)
void handleEvents ()
void fillWindow (byte iColor)
void fillRect (CBofRect *pRect, byte iColor)
ErrorCode paintBeveledText (CBofRect *rect, const CBofString &string, int size, int weight, RGBCOLOR color, int justify, uint32 format)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CLList
 CLList ()
 CLList (void *pObj)
virtual ~CLList ()
void Insert (CLList *pNewList)
void Delete ()
void addToHead (CLList *pNewList)
void addToTail (CLList *pNewList)
void MoveToHead ()
void MoveToTail ()
void MoveLeft ()
void MoveRight ()
CLListgetHead ()
CLListgetTail ()
CLListgetPrev () const
CLListgetNext () const
void * getData () const
void PutData (void *pObj)
void FlushList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
void reportError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
bool errorOccurred () const
ErrorCode getErrorCode () const
void clearError ()

Protected Attributes

CBofRect _leftRect
CBofRect _rightRect
uint32 _start
uint32 _end
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofMovie
bool _bEscCanStop
bool _bLoop
bool _bStretch
bool _bUseNewPalette
bool _bBlackOutWindow
MVSTATUS _eMovStatus
Common::Rect _srcRect
Common::Rect _dstRect
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofDialog
CBofBitmap_pDlgBackground = nullptr
uint32 _lFlags = 0
int _nReturnValue = 0
bool _bFirstTime = false
bool _bTempBitmap = false
bool _bEndDialog = false
bool _bHavePainted = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
CBofWindow_parent = nullptr
Array< CBofWindow * > _children
char _szTitle [64] = { 0 }
CBofRect _cWindowRect
CBofRect _cRect
CBofBitmap_pBackdrop = nullptr
uint32 _nID = 0
RGBCOLOR _cBkColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
RGBCOLOR _cFgColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
bool _bCaptured = false
Graphics::ManagedSurface_surface = nullptr
CBofPoint _cPrevMouseDown
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CLList
void * _pData
- Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
ErrorCode _errCode

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Bagel::CBofMovie
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
static ErrorCode initialize ()
static ErrorCode shutdown ()
static Common::Point getMousePos ()
static CBofWindowgetActiveWindow ()
static CBofWindowgetWindowList ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofObject
static bool isValidObject (const CBofObject *pObject)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static void fatalError (ErrorCode errCode, const char *format,...)
static void initialize ()
static int getErrorCount ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofMovie
virtual ErrorCode initialize (CBofWindow *pParent)
virtual bool openMovie (const char *sFilename)
virtual void closeMovie ()
virtual bool play ()
virtual bool reverse ()
virtual void onLButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint, void *=nullptr)
virtual void onRButtonUp (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onPaint (CBofRect *pRect)
virtual void onMovieDone ()
virtual void onClose ()
virtual void onMainLoop ()
virtual void onKeyHit (uint32 lKey, uint32 lRepCount)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofDialog
virtual ErrorCode paint (CBofRect *pRect)
virtual ErrorCode paintBackground ()
virtual ErrorCode saveBackground ()
virtual ErrorCode killBackground ()
virtual void onInitDialog ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
void checkTimers ()
virtual void onLButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint, void *=nullptr)
virtual void onLButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDown (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onRButtonDblClk (uint32 nFlags, CBofPoint *pPoint)
virtual void onUserMessage (uint32 nMessage, uint32 lParam)
virtual void onActivate ()
virtual void onDeActivate ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Bagel::CBofError
virtual void bofMessageBox (const Common::String &content, const Common::String &title)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofWindow
static CBofWindow_pWindowList
static CBofWindow_pActiveWindow
static CBofTimerPacket_pTimerList
static int _mouseX
static int _mouseY
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Bagel::CBofError
static int _count

Member Function Documentation

◆ initExam()

virtual bool Bagel::CBagExam::initExam ( )

Initialize exam object after opened and ready to play


◆ onMouseMove()

void Bagel::CBagExam::onMouseMove ( uint32  ,
CBofPoint point,
void *  = nullptr 

Called when the mouse is moved over window, check if the cursor is in one of the rectangle and rotate object accordingly

Reimplemented from Bagel::CBofWindow.

◆ onReSize()

void Bagel::CBagExam::onReSize ( CBofSize size)

Resize the examination window

Reimplemented from Bagel::CBofMovie.

◆ setRotationRects()

bool Bagel::CBagExam::setRotationRects ( )

Set the rectangles that determine "hot" mouse locations


◆ markBegEnd()

bool Bagel::CBagExam::markBegEnd ( )

Store off the start and end frames of the movies


◆ rotateRight()

bool Bagel::CBagExam::rotateRight ( )

Rotate the object to the right (play movie)

◆ rotateLeft()

bool Bagel::CBagExam::rotateLeft ( )

Rotate the object to the left (reverse movie)

◆ rotateStop()

bool Bagel::CBagExam::rotateStop ( )

Stop the rotation of the object (stop movie)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: