ScummVM API documentation
hpl::cSurfaceData Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 cSurfaceData (const tString &asName, cPhysics *apPhysics, cResources *apResources)
const tStringGetName () const
void OnImpact (float afSpeed, const cVector3f &avPos, int alContacts, iPhysicsBody *apBody)
void OnSlide (float afSpeed, const cVector3f &avPos, int alContacts, iPhysicsBody *apBody, iPhysicsBody *apSlideAgainstBody)
void CreateImpactEffect (float afSpeed, const cVector3f &avPos, int alContacts, cSurfaceData *apSecondSurface)
void UpdateRollEffect (iPhysicsBody *apBody)
void SetElasticity (float afElasticity)
float GetElasticity () const
void SetStaticFriction (float afElasticity)
float GetStaticFriction () const
void SetKineticFriction (float afElasticity)
float GetKineticFriction () const
void SetPriority (int alPriority)
int GetPriority () const
void SetFrictionCombMode (ePhysicsMaterialCombMode aMode)
ePhysicsMaterialCombMode GetFrictionCombMode () const
void SetElasticityCombMode (ePhysicsMaterialCombMode aMode)
ePhysicsMaterialCombMode GetElasticityCombMode () const
const tStringGetStepType ()
void GetStepType (const tString &asX)
void SetMinScrapeSpeed (float afX)
void SetMinScrapeFreq (float afX)
void SetMinScrapeFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMaxScrapeFreq (float afX)
void SetMaxScrapeFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMiddleScrapeSpeed (float afX)
void SetMinScrapeContacts (int alX)
void SetScrapeSoundName (const tString &asName)
void SetMinRollSpeed (float afX)
void SetMinRollFreq (float afX)
void SetMinRollVolume (float afX)
void SetMinRollFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMaxRollFreq (float afX)
void SetMaxRollVolume (float afX)
void SetMaxRollFreqSpeed (float afX)
void SetMiddleRollSpeed (float afX)
void SetRollSoundName (const tString &asName)
void SetRollAxisFlags (tFlag aAxisFlags)
void PreloadData ()
iPhysicsMaterialToMaterial (iPhysicsWorld *apWorld)
cSurfaceImpactDataCreateImpactData (float afMinSpeed)
cSurfaceImpactDataGetImpactData (int alIdx)
int GetImpactDataNum ()
cSurfaceImpactDataGetImpactDataFromSpeed (float afSpeed)
cSurfaceImpactDataCreateHitData (float afMinSpeed)
cSurfaceImpactDataGetHitData (int alIdx)
int GetHitDataNum ()
cSurfaceImpactDataGetHitDataFromSpeed (float afSpeed)

Protected Attributes

tString msName
ePhysicsMaterialCombMode mFrictionMode
ePhysicsMaterialCombMode mElasticityMode
float mfElasticity
float mfStaticFriction
float mfKineticFriction
int mlPriority
float mfMinScrapeSpeed
float mfMinScrapeFreq
float mfMinScrapeFreqSpeed
float mfMaxScrapeFreq
float mfMaxScrapeFreqSpeed
float mfMiddleScrapeSpeed
int mlMinScrapeContacts
tString msScrapeSoundName
float mfMinRollSpeed
float mfMinRollFreq
float mfMinRollVolume
float mfMinRollFreqSpeed
float mfMaxRollFreq
float mfMaxRollVolume
float mfMaxRollFreqSpeed
float mfMiddleRollSpeed
int mlMinRollContacts
tString msRollSoundName
tFlag mRollAxisFlags
tString msStepType
tSurfaceImpactDataVec mvImpactData
tSurfaceImpactDataVec mvHitData

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateImpactData()

cSurfaceImpactData* hpl::cSurfaceData::CreateImpactData ( float  afMinSpeed)

This must be added with the largest speed first.

◆ GetImpactDataFromSpeed()

cSurfaceImpactData* hpl::cSurfaceData::GetImpactDataFromSpeed ( float  afSpeed)

Gets the the appropriate impact data depending on speed. It gets the data with highest speed not higher than afSpeed

afSpeedThe speed value.

◆ CreateHitData()

cSurfaceImpactData* hpl::cSurfaceData::CreateHitData ( float  afMinSpeed)

This must be added with the largest speed first.

◆ GetHitDataFromSpeed()

cSurfaceImpactData* hpl::cSurfaceData::GetHitDataFromSpeed ( float  afSpeed)

Gets the the appropriate hit data depending on speed. It gets the data with highest speed not higher than afSpeed

afSpeedThe speed value.

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