ScummVM API documentation
ICB::_event_manager Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void Initialise ()
bool8 HasEventPending (int32 nObjectID)
bool8 CheckEventWaitingForObject (int32 nObjectID, const char *pcEventName)
void ShutDownEventProcessingForObject (int32 nObjectID)
void CycleEventManager ()
bool8 IsObjectRegisteredForEvent (int32 nCallerID, const char *pcEventName)
void Save (Common::WriteStream *stream) const
void Restore (Common::SeekableReadStream *stream)
void RegisterForEvent (int32 nObjectID, const char *pcEventName)
void UnregisterForEvent (int32 nObjectID, const char *pcEventName)
void PostNamedEvent (const char *pcEventName, int32 nSenderID)
void PostNamedEventToObject (const char *pcEventName, int32 nTargetID, int32 nSenderID)
void PostRepeatingEvent (const char *pcEventName, uint32 nStart, uint32 nInterval, uint32 nEnd)
void ClearAllEventsForObject (int32 nObjectID)
bool8 DidObjectSendLastNamedEvent (int32 nCallerID, int32 nObjectID, const char *pcEventName) const
int32 GetIDOfLastObjectToPostEvent (int32 nCallerID, const char *pcEventName) const
void SetSuspendFlagForObject (int32 nObjectID, bool8 bState)

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