ScummVM API documentation
ICB::_mega Class Reference

Public Member Functions

void ___init ()
void InitCartridgeCase (SVECTOR *initPos, int16 initialHeight)
bool8 Fetch_armed_status ()
bool8 Fetch_custom ()
__weapon Fetch_pose ()
bool8 Is_crouched ()
void ShiftViewState ()
void SetThisViewState (enum CameraStateEnum status)
void InitDynamicLight ()
void SetDynamicLight (int32 in_cycles, int32 in_r, int32 in_g, int32 in_b, int32 in_x, int32 in_y, int32 in_z, int32 falloff)
void RemoveDynamicLight ()

Public Attributes

uint32 par_number
uint32 cur_slice
uint32 barrier_list [96]
uint32 nudge_list [96]
uint32 number_of_barriers
uint32 number_of_nudge
uint32 number_of_animating
__mega_set_names next_anim_type
PXfloat target_pan
PXfloat actual_target_pan
PXfloat auto_target_pan
PXfloat looking_pan
uint32 target_id
PXvector target_xyz
__weapon weapon
__motion motion
char chr_name [32]
char anim_set [16]
char custom_set [16]
PXvector actor_xyz
PXvector pushed_actor_xyz
uint32 m_phase
_route_description m_main_route
Breath breath
int32 height
PSXLamp dynLight
int32 dynLightOn
int16 dynLightX
int16 dynLightY
int16 dynLightZ
SVECTOR bulletPos
int16 bulletDX
int16 bulletDY
int16 bulletInitialHeight
uint8 bulletBounced
uint8 bulletColour
bool8 bulletOn
bool8 pushed
uint8 viewState
bool8 interacting
bool8 turn_dir
bool8 custom
bool8 has_exclusive_coords
bool8 is_evil
bool8 make_remora_beep
uint8 inShadePercentage
bool8 in_shade
bool8 use_strike_script
bool8 use_fire_script
bool8 on_players_floor
uint8 speech_red
uint8 speech_green
uint8 speech_blue
uint8 anim_speed
bool8 reverse_route
bool8 is_shooting
bool8 drawShadow
bool8 asyncing
uint8 async_list_pos
__weapon async_weapon
int8 footstep_status
uint8 footstep_weight
bool8 footstep_special
bool8 display_me
bool8 on_stairs
PXreal bottom_x
PXreal bottom_z
PXreal top_x
PXreal top_z
PXfloat stair_pan
uint8 extrap_size
bool8 dead
uint32 slice_hold_tolerance
uint8 idle_count
bool8 inventoryActive
bool8 y_locked
PXreal y_lock

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