ScummVM API documentation
ImGuiInputTextState Struct Reference

Public Member Functions

void ClearText ()
void ClearFreeMemory ()
int GetUndoAvailCount () const
int GetRedoAvailCount () const
void OnKeyPressed (int key)
void CursorAnimReset ()
void CursorClamp ()
bool HasSelection () const
void ClearSelection ()
int GetCursorPos () const
int GetSelectionStart () const
int GetSelectionEnd () const
void SelectAll ()
void ReloadUserBufAndSelectAll ()
void ReloadUserBufAndKeepSelection ()
void ReloadUserBufAndMoveToEnd ()

Public Attributes

int CurLenW
int CurLenA
ImVector< ImWchar > TextW
ImVector< char > TextA
ImVector< char > InitialTextA
bool TextAIsValid
int BufCapacityA
float ScrollX
ImStb::STB_TexteditState Stb
float CursorAnim
bool CursorFollow
bool SelectedAllMouseLock
bool Edited
ImGuiInputTextFlags Flags
bool ReloadUserBuf
int ReloadSelectionStart
int ReloadSelectionEnd

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